;Determines the spawn percentage per each anomaly and max number of them [spawn_properties] spawn_percent = 0.5 anomaly_max_number = 1 anomaly_max_active = 38 ; Unused ;Determines the range of anomaly radius [radius_properties] min_radius = 2 max_radius = 3 ;Determines the list of anomalies that can be spawned [anomaly_types] ;zone_mine_zharka zone_mine_darkness zone_mine_radar ; zone_mine_gold zone_field_radioactive_weak zone_field_radioactive_average zone_field_radioactive_strong zone_radioactive_weak ;Determines the smarts around which anomalies will be created [available_smarts] bun2_st_bloodsucker bun2_tushkano_lair bun_krovosos_nest