Dynamic Zone
Dynamic Zone : General
Individual Route Blockage Chance
Chance for a route to become inpassable during an emission
Chance for an Emission to cause Route changes
Determines the chance for any route changes to happen during an emission.
Minimum Remaining Map Connections
How many connections should remain passable on each level. E.g. If set to 1, it is ensured that any given map will have at least one traversable path to another map.
Trigger on New Game
This will make some routes inpassable at the beginning of a new game.
New Game Grace Period (hours)
(Used when "Trigger on New Game" is Disabled) On a New Game, the Zone won't change for the amount of in-game Time defined here
Emission Stage to Trigger on
Stage of emission, where the Zone Change occurs
First Wave
Second Wave
Safe Addon Removal
Enable this setting, then save your game. Afterwards, you can remove the addon, load the new savegame and continue playing without Dynamic Zone Transitions.
Dynamic Zone : News
Between emissions, stalkers will share their findings via the PDA network about routes that changed their state.\nYou can change the percentage of affected routes to be revealed here.\nUnder some circumstances and a predefined chance, special characters such as Sidorovich may also comment those route changes.
Play Discovery Sound
Plays the discovery sound, if the previously known route state was different. Will otherwise always use the default PDA notification sound.
Reveal Percentage for routes that are passable again
How many routes that were previously inpassable will be revealed via the Stalker PDA Network.
Percentage of Inpassable Routes to Reveal
How many inpassible routes will be revealed via the Stalker PDA Network.
Chance for a special Character to be the Sender
Chance that a special character will comment changes in the Zone (e.g. Sidorovich).
Dynamic Zone : Discovery
Showtime for discovery Message
Minimum Binocular Focus Proximity to Transition
Updates the route status of any eligible transition that's currently being focused, if it's within this radius.
Mark Transition's state as Unknown after an Emission
Transitions, whose states are unknown are marked accordingly. These blips are cleared after discovering a routes state. Players who prefer to keep track manually are encouraged to disable this feature.
Binoculars Focus Time (milliseconds)
Time to focus an eligible transition to discover the state change.
Maximum Binocular Discovery Distance
A transition with a proximity larger than this to the player can not be discovered.
Enable Binocular Heads-Up Display
This displays a marker in 3D space for transitions that are eligible for discovery on the current level.
Dynamic Zone : Debugging
The options in this category are meant for debugging purposes only.\nLogs are written to 'appdata\logs\mcm' and prefixed with 'dynamic_zone_debug'\nFor that to work, the MCM logging utility should be activated in MCM's own options.
Emission check interval (milliseconds)
Interval between emission stage checks. This check only runs when an emission has begun.
Enable Debug Logging
Utilizes the MCM logging utility. Uses console logging as a fallback, if MCM is not installed.
Validate function parameters
This will validate parameter types and checks for non-nil values throughout all scripts in this mod.