#include "common.h"
#include "sload.h"
#include "screenspace_hud_raindrops.h"
#include "check_screenspace.h"

f_deffer main ( p_bumped I )
	f_deffer O;

	// HUD Rain drops - SSS Update 17
	// https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders/

	float4 drops = 0; // xy = Normal | z = Overall str | w = reflection str

	if (ssfx_hud_drops_1.y > 0)
		// Calc droplets
		drops.xyz = ssfx_hud_raindrops(s_hud_rain, I.RDrops.xyz, 1.0f);

		// Only apply to facing up surfaces [ World Y+ ]
		drops.xyz *= saturate(I.RDrops.w);

		// Intensity from script ( Cover + Rain intensity )
		drops.xyz *= ssfx_hud_drops_1.y;

		// Refraction
		I.tcdh.xy = I.tcdh.xy + drops.xy * ssfx_hud_drops_1.w;

		// Reflection adjustments
#ifdef SSFX_SSS
		drops.w = ssfx_hud_drops_1.z;
		drops.w = ssfx_hud_drops_1.z * dot(L_hemi_color, SSFX_HUD_LIGHTVECTOR);
		drops.w = max(drops.w, 3.0f);

	surface_bumped S = sload(I);

	// Add sampled normal and droplets
	float3 Ne		= mul(float3x3(I.M1, I.M2, I.M3), S.normal + float3(drops.xy * drops.w, 1.0f));
	Ne				= normalize	(Ne);

	// hemi,sun,material
	float 	ms	= xmaterial;

	S.gloss += (ssfx_hud_drops_1.y * ssfx_hud_drops_2.z) + drops.z * ssfx_hud_drops_2.w;

#ifdef USE_LM_HEMI
	float4	lm 	= s_hemi.Sample( smp_rtlinear, I.lmh);
	float 	h  	= get_hemi(lm);
			ms 	= get_sun(lm);
# endif
	float 	h	= I.position.w	;
		 	ms	= I.tcdh.w		;
# endif

O = pack_gbuffer(
	float4	(Ne, h),
	float4 	(I.position.xyz + Ne * S.height * def_virtualh, ms),
	float4	(S.base.xyz, S.gloss));

  return O;