#include "common.h" // Check Modules #include "check_screenspace.h" #undef ULTRA_SHADOWS_ON #undef USE_ULTRA_SHADOWS #define RAY_PATH 2.0h #define JITTER_TEXTURE_SIZE 64.0f #ifdef SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY #if SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY==1 #define FILTER_LOW #define RAY_SAMPLES 15 #elif SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY==2 #define RAY_SAMPLES 25 #elif SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY==3 #define RAY_SAMPLES 30 #endif #endif #ifndef FILTER_LOW #ifdef USE_MINMAX_SM #define SM_MINMAX #endif #endif #include "shadow.h" float4 volume_range; // x - near plane, y - far plane float4 sun_shafts_intensity; #ifdef MSAA_OPTIMIZATION float4 main (v2p_volume I, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX ) : SV_Target #else float4 main (v2p_volume I) : SV_Target #endif { #ifndef SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY return float4(0,0,0,0); #else // SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY float2 tc = I.tc.xy / I.tc.w; float4 pos2d = I.hpos; float ResScale = 1.0f; pos2d *= ResScale; gbuffer_data gbd = gbuffer_load_data( GLD_P(tc, pos2d, ISAMPLE) ); float3 P = gbd.P; // Variable ray length, variable step dencity, use jittering float4 J0 = jitter0.Sample( smp_jitter, tc * (screen_res.x / ResScale ) * 1.0 / JITTER_TEXTURE_SIZE ); float coeff = (RAY_SAMPLES - 1*J0.x)/(RAY_SAMPLES*RAY_SAMPLES); float3 direction = P*coeff; float depth = P.z; float deltaDepth = direction.z; float4 current = mul (m_shadow,float4(P,1.0)); float4 delta = mul (m_shadow, float4(direction,0.0)); float res = 0.0; float max_density = sun_shafts_intensity; float density = max_density/RAY_SAMPLES; // SUN VOLUMETRIC FIXES - SSS Update 14.7 // - Added weapon fade // - Discard out of bound shadow map sampling // - Fade volumetric edge // https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders/ // Volumetric offset when used with SSS extended shadows. current.z += 0.001f; // Fade Weapon density *= saturate(depth * 0.8f); if (depth < 0.0001) res = max_density; [unroll (RAY_SAMPLES)] for ( int i=0; i<RAY_SAMPLES; ++i ) { // Don't sample out of bounds if (current.x >= 0 && current.x <= 1 && current.y >= 0 && current.y <= 1) { if (depth > 0.1f) res += density * sample_hw_pcf(current, float4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)); } depth -= deltaDepth; current -= delta; } float fSturation = -Ldynamic_dir.z; // Normalize dot product to fSturation = 0.5*fSturation+0.5; // Map saturation to 0.2..1 fSturation = 0.80*fSturation+0.20; res *= fSturation; // Use fog near/far to fade the sun rays float fog = saturate(length(P) * fog_params.w + fog_params.x); #ifdef USE_STRICT_GAMMA_CORRECTION res = SRGBToLinear(res); float3 SunColor = SRGBToLinear(Ldynamic_color.rgb); #else float3 SunColor = Ldynamic_color.rgb; #endif // Fade from "res" to "max_density" using squared fog to get a nice curve float3 result = lerp(SunColor * max_density * fSturation, SunColor * res, 1.0f - fog * fog); return float4(result, 0); #endif // SUN_SHAFTS_QUALITY }