af_anim_item = nil active_slot = nil particle = nil pos = nil fov = nil containers = { "af_aac", "af_aam", "af_iam", "lead_box" } function inspect(itm) if zzz_ea_addon_backpack then zzz_ea_addon_backpack.actor_on_item_use(itm) end local function contains_container(item_section) for _, container in ipairs(containers) do if string.find(item_section, container) then return true end end return false end if contains_container(itm:section()) then if system_ini():line_exist(itm:section(), "1icon_layer") then local art = system_ini():r_string_ex(itm:section(), "1icon_layer", "") af_anim_item = art .. "_hud" end else af_anim_item = itm:section() .. "_hud" end -- Patch for FDDA Backpack Animations if zzz_ea_addon_backpack and zzz_ea_addon_backpack.anim_enabled then zzz_ea_addon_backpack.det_active = nil active_slot = zzz_ea_addon_backpack.active_slot else active_slot = end ---------------------------------------- get_hud():HideActorMenu() level.disable_input() fov = get_console():get_float("hud_fov") particle = particles_object("artefact\\effects\\af_idle_dist") give_object_to_actor(af_anim_item) level.add_call( function () return end, function () end) level.add_call( function () return == 14 end, function () get_console():execute("hud_fov 0.55") particle:play_at_pos(get_play_pos()) level.enable_input() local r, g, b = get_light_rgb(af_anim_item) light_on(r,g,b,1,50,0.2,0.3) end) end function get_light_rgb(af_anim_item) local not_hud_itm = string.gsub(af_anim_item, "_hud$", "") if system_ini():line_exist(not_hud_itm, "trail_light_color") then local rgb = system_ini():r_string_ex(not_hud_itm,"trail_light_color","") local r, g, b = rgb:match("([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)") r = tonumber(r) g = tonumber(g) b = tonumber(b) return r, g, b end end function get_play_pos() pos ="jaw_1"):add(device().cam_dir:mul(0.3)) pos.y = pos.y - 0.1 return pos end function release_af() level.disable_input() level.add_call( function () return == active_slot end, function () alife():release(alife():object(, true) af_anim_item = nil active_slot = nil particle:stop() light_off() get_console():execute("hud_fov".." "..fov) level.enable_input() end) end function light_on(r,g,b,range,bright,y_pos,dirmult) light = script_light() light.type = 1 light.range = range light_bright = bright light_range = range light.lanim = "koster_01_electra" light.lanim_brightness = 1 light.hud_mode = false light.shadow = false light.volumetric = false light.enabled = true light.color = fcolor():set(r,g,b,bright) local dir = device().cam_dir local pos = device().cam_pos pos = pos:add(dir:mul(dirmult)) pos.y = pos.y - y_pos light:set_position(pos) light:set_direction(dir) light:update() CreateTimeEvent("l_move", "l_move", 0, light_move,r,g,b,y_pos,dirmult) light_flag = true return true end function light_move(r,g,b,y_pos,dirmult) light_bright = light_bright light_range = light_range light.range = light_range light.color = fcolor():set(r,g,b,light_bright) local dir = device().cam_dir local pos = device().cam_pos pos = pos:add(dir:mul(dirmult)) pos.y = pos.y - y_pos light:set_position(pos) light:set_direction(dir) light:update() if light_flag then return false else return true end end function light_off() if not light then return end light.enabled = false light:update() light_flag = false return true end function on_key_press() if af_anim_item == nil then return end release_af() end function actor_on_update() if af_anim_item then particle:move_to(get_play_pos(),device().cam_dir) end end function actor_on_first_update() local active_item = if active_item and (string.find(active_item:section(), "af_") or active_item:section() == "monolith_shard_hud") then alife():release(alife():object(, true) end end function st_inspect(itm) local containersSet = {} for _, itm in ipairs(containers) do containersSet[itm] = true end if containersSet[itm:section()] then return end return game.translate_string("st_inspect") end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press",on_key_press) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update",actor_on_update) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update",actor_on_first_update) end