-- Weapon cover tilt script -- Makes weapon go up when near obstacle to emulate weapon dimensions -- Written by demonized -- Current version VERSION = 14 --Protected function call to prevent crashes to desktop --Prints error in console if occured, otherwise proceed normally --Use for test only, slower than usual local try = try or function(func, ...) local status, error_or_result = pcall(func, ...) if not status then printf(error_or_result) return false, status, error_or_result else return error_or_result, status end end local dte = demonized_time_events local normalize = normalize local clamp = clamp local abs = math.abs local min = math.min local max = math.max local sqrt = math.sqrt local actor_weapon_lowered = game.actor_weapon_lowered local get_target_dist = level.get_target_dist local get_target_obj = level.get_target_obj --EMA smoothing for changing values, frame independent local default_smoothing = 11.5 local smoothed_values = {} local function ema(key, value, def, steps, delta) local steps = steps or default_smoothing local delta = delta or steps local smoothing_alpha = 2.0 / (steps + 1) smoothed_values[key] = smoothed_values[key] and smoothed_values[key] + min(smoothing_alpha * (delta / steps), 1) * (value - smoothed_values[key]) or def or value --printf("EMA fired, key %s, target %s, current %s, going %s", key, value, smoothed_values[key], (value > smoothed_values[key] and "up" or "down")) return smoothed_values[key] end -- Linear inter/extrapolation local function lerp(a, b, f) if a and b and f then return a + f * (b - a) else return a or b or 0 end end local intercepts = { ["actor_on_weapon_before_tilt"] = {}, -- Params: weapon_object, flags ["actor_on_weapon_tilt_start"] = {}, -- Params: weapon_object ["actor_on_weapon_tilt_end"] = {}, -- Params: weapon_object ["actor_on_weapon_tilting"] = {}, -- Params: weapon_object, coeff ["actor_on_weapon_tilting_back"] = {}, -- Params: weapon_object, coeff } function add_intercept(name) if intercepts[name] then return end intercepts[name] = {} end function add_callback(name, func) if not (name and func and intercepts[name]) then return end intercepts[name][func] = true end function remove_callback(name, func) if not (name and func and intercepts[name]) then return end intercepts[name][func] = nil end function callback(name, ...) if not (name and intercepts[name]) then return end for func, _ in pairs(intercepts[name]) do func(...) end end -- MCM -- Load the defaults local function load_defaults() local t = {} local op = weapon_cover_tilt_mcm.op for i, v in ipairs(op.gr) do if v.def ~= nil then t[v.id] = v.def end end return t end local settings = load_defaults() local function load_settings() settings = load_defaults() if ui_mcm then for k, v in pairs(settings) do settings[k] = ui_mcm.get("weapon_cover_tilt/" .. k) end end end function get_setting(key) return settings[key] end function debug_enabled() return DEV_DEBUG or DEV_DEBUG_DEV end local parameters = { -- Type: 0 = string | 1 = number | 2 = 3d vector | 3 = 4d vector | ["hands_position"] = { name = "Hands Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 1, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 0, hud = true }, ["hands_orientation"] = { name = "Hands Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 2, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 0, hud = true }, ["aim_hud_offset_pos"] = { name = "Aim Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 3, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 1, hud = true }, ["aim_hud_offset_rot"] = { name = "Aim Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 4, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 1, hud = true }, ["gl_hud_offset_pos"] = { name = "GL Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 5, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 2, hud = true }, ["gl_hud_offset_rot"] = { name = "GL Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 6, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 2, hud = true }, ["aim_hud_offset_alt_pos"] = { name = "Alt Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 7, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 3, hud = true }, ["aim_hud_offset_alt_rot"] = { name = "Alt Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 8, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 3, hud = true }, ["lowered_hud_offset_pos"] = { name = "Lowered Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 9, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 4, hud = true }, ["lowered_hud_offset_rot"] = { name = "Lowered Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 10, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 4, hud = true }, ["fire_point"] = { name = "Fire Point", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 11, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 10, hud = true, no_16x9 = true }, ["fire_point2"] = { name = "Fire Point 2", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 12, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 11, hud = true, no_16x9 = true }, ["fire_direction"] = { name = "Fire Direction", typ = 2, def = {0,0,1}, indx = 13, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 10, hud = true, no_16x9 = true }, ["shell_point"] = { name = "Shell Point", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 14, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 11, hud = true, no_16x9 = true }, ["custom_ui_pos"] = { name = "UI Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 15, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 20 }, --idxb 20 is reserved for device ui ["custom_ui_rot"] = { name = "UI Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 16, min = -180, max = 180, step = 1, idxa = 1, idxb = 20 }, ["item_position"] = { name = "Item Position", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 17, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 0, idxb = 12, hud = true, no_16x9 = true }, ["item_orientation"] = { name = "Item Orientation", typ = 2, def = {0,0,0}, indx = 18, min = -180, max = 180, step = 0.0001, idxa = 1, idxb = 12, hud = true, no_16x9 = true }, ["scope_zoom_factor"] = { name = "Zoom Factor", typ = 1, def = 0, indx = 19, min = 0, max = 120, step = 0.1 }, ["gl_zoom_factor"] = { name = "GL Zoom Factor", typ = 1, def = 0, indx = 20, min = 0, max = 120, step = 0.1 }, ["scope_zoom_factor_alt"] = { name = "Alt Zoom Factor", typ = 1, def = 0, indx = 21, min = 0, max = 120, step = 0.1 }, } function reset_wpn_hud(sec) local hud_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "hud") if not hud_sec then return end hud_adjust.enabled(true) for k, v in pairs(parameters) do if v.typ == 1 then local p = SYS_GetParam(2, hud_sec, k, v.def) if p then hud_adjust.set_value(k, p) end elseif v.typ == 2 then local function res(str) local str = str or "" local p = SYS_GetParam(0, hud_sec, v.no_16x9 and k or (k .. str)) if not p then p = table.concat(v.def, ",") end if p then p = str_explode(p, ",") for i, d in ipairs(v.def) do p[i] = p[i] and tonumber(p[i]) or d end hud_adjust.set_vector(v.idxa, v.idxb, p[1] or 0, p[2] or 0, p[3] or 0) end end res(utils_xml.is_widescreen() and "_16x9") end end hud_adjust.enabled(false) end function IsBinoc(sec) return SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "ammo_class", "") == "ammo_binoc" or SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "class", "") == "WP_BINOC" end function IsThrowable(wpn) return IsBolt(wpn) or SYS_GetParam(0, wpn:section(), "class", "") == "II_BOLT" end local scoped_weapon_zoomed = false function isScopedWeapon(wpn) if not wpn then return false end local has_scopes_sect = SYS_GetParam(0, wpn:section(), "scopes_sect", "") ~= "" local has_texture = SYS_GetParam(0, wpn:section(), "scope_texture", "") ~= "" local cobj = wpn:cast_Weapon() -- If old scopes system if has_scopes_sect then if cobj and cobj:IsScopeAttached() or wpn:weapon_is_scope() then return true end else -- If there is fixed scope or no scope defined, but also if there is a scope texture, it will use the texture for zoomin and considered a scoped weapon if (wpn:weapon_scope_status() == 1 or wpn:weapon_scope_status() == 0) and has_texture then return true end -- Usual check if (cobj and cobj:IsScopeAttached() or wpn:weapon_is_scope()) and has_texture then return true end end return false end function isSilencedWeapon(wpn) if not wpn then return false end local cobj = wpn:cast_Weapon() return wpn:weapon_silencer_status() == 2 and (cobj and cobj:IsSilencerAttached() or wpn:weapon_is_silencer() or utils_item.addon_attached(wpn, "sl")) end local random_funcs = demonized_randomizing_functions local wpn_positions = weapon_cover_tilt_positions or {} local wpn_radii = weapon_cover_tilt_gun_trigger_radii and weapon_cover_tilt_gun_trigger_radii.weapon_trigger_radii or {} function getBestMatch(sec) local best_match, best_match_l = nil, 0 local function getMatch(k, s1, s2) local a, b = s1:find(s2) if a and b then local l = b - a + 1 if l > best_match_l then best_match = k best_match_l = l end end end for k, v in pairs(wpn_radii) do getMatch(k, sec, k) -- getMatch(k, k, sec) end return best_match end -- Test of is material of static geometry is shootable, engine edit required --[[ Material List flBreakable = (1ul << 0ul), flBounceable = (1ul << 2ul), flSkidmark = (1ul << 3ul), flBloodmark = (1ul << 4ul), flClimable = (1ul << 5ul), flPassable = (1ul << 7ul), flDynamic = (1ul << 8ul), flLiquid = (1ul << 9ul), flSuppressShadows = (1ul << 10ul), flSuppressWallmarks = (1ul << 11ul), flActorObstacle = (1ul << 12ul), flNoRicoshet = (1ul << 13ul), flInjurious = (1ul << 28ul), flShootable = (1ul << 29ul), flTransparent = (1ul << 30ul), flSlowDown = (1ul << 31ul) // material exports .def_readonly("material_name", &script_rq_result::pMaterialName) .def_readonly("material_flags", &script_rq_result::pMaterialFlags) .def_readonly("material_phfriction", &script_rq_result::fPHFriction) .def_readonly("material_phdamping", &script_rq_result::fPHDamping) .def_readonly("material_phspring", &script_rq_result::fPHSpring) .def_readonly("material_phbounce_start_velocity", &script_rq_result::fPHBounceStartVelocity) .def_readonly("material_phbouncing", &script_rq_result::fPHBouncing) .def_readonly("material_flotation_factor", &script_rq_result::fFlotationFactor) .def_readonly("material_shoot_factor", &script_rq_result::fShootFactor) .def_readonly("material_shoot_factor_mp", &script_rq_result::fShootFactorMP) .def_readonly("material_bounce_damage_factor", &script_rq_result::fBounceDamageFactor) .def_readonly("material_injurious_speed", &script_rq_result::fInjuriousSpeed) .def_readonly("material_vis_transparency_factor", &script_rq_result::fVisTransparencyFactor) .def_readonly("material_snd_occlusion_factor", &script_rq_result::fSndOcclusionFactor) .def_readonly("material_density_factor", &script_rq_result::fDensityFactor) --]] local function lshift(x, by) return x * 2 ^ by end local function test(x, mask) return bit_and(x, mask) == mask end local flags_test = { -- {"flBreakable", lshift(1, 0)}, -- {"flBounceable", lshift(1, 2)}, -- {"flSkidmark", lshift(1, 3)}, -- {"flBloodmark", lshift(1, 4)}, -- {"flClimable", lshift(1, 5)}, -- {"flPassable", lshift(1, 7)}, -- {"flDynamic", lshift(1, 8)}, -- {"flLiquid", lshift(1, 9)}, -- {"flSuppressShadows", lshift(1, 10)}, -- {"flSuppressWallmarks", lshift(1, 11)}, -- {"flActorObstacle", lshift(1, 12)}, -- {"flNoRicoshet", lshift(1, 13)}, -- {"flInjurious", lshift(1, 28)}, {"flShootable", lshift(1, 29)}, -- {"flTransparent", lshift(1, 30)}, -- {"flSlowDown", lshift(1, 31)}, } function isShootableMaterial(max_dist) local max_dist = max_dist or 10 local ray = ray_pick() ray:set_flags(3) ray:set_range(max_dist) ray:set_position(device().cam_pos) ray:set_direction(device().cam_dir) ray:set_ignore_object(db.actor) local res = ray:query() -- Return false if failed query if not res then return false end -- Return false if game object if ray:get_object() then return false end local result = ray:get_result() -- Return false if engine doesnt have material exports or unknown material if not ( result and result.material_name and result.material_flags and result.material_shoot_factor ) then return false end local flags = result.material_flags local name = result.material_name local shoot_factor = result.material_shoot_factor -- Test material flags local flags_test_result = {} for i, v in ipairs(flags_test) do if test(flags, v[2]) then flags_test_result[v[1]] = true end -- printf("%s, %s test, %s, %s, %s", name, v[1], flags, v[2], test(flags, v[2])) end -- printf("%s, material_shoot_factor %s", name, shoot_factor) -- If name contains "bush" or material is shootable and low shoot_factor - true if string.find(name, "bush") then return true end if string.find(name, "water") then return false end if false -- or (flags_test_result.flShootable and shoot_factor <= 0.01) then return true end return false end -- Sections of weapons that have kind "pistol" but they arent pistols not_pistol_sec = { wpn_svt40_short = true, wpn_avt40_short = true, wpn_aek919k = true, } -- Adjust gun radii by kind if cant find section in radii table wpn_kind_adjustment_table = { w_pistol = -0.3, w_smg = -0.12, w_sniper = 0.12, w_shotgun = -0.05, w_rifle = 0, } local weapon_table = {} function add_to_weapon_table(sec, force) if weapon_table[sec] and not force then return end weapon_table[sec] = { hands_position = (function() local hud_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "hud") local c = str_explode(utils_xml.is_widescreen() and SYS_GetParam(0, hud_sec, "hands_position_16x9") or SYS_GetParam(0, hud_sec, "hands_position") or "0,0,0", ",") return { [0] = tonumber(c[1]) or 0, [1] = tonumber(c[2]) or 0, [2] = tonumber(c[3]) or 0, } end)(), hands_orientation = (function() local hud_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "hud") local c = str_explode(utils_xml.is_widescreen() and SYS_GetParam(0, hud_sec, "hands_orientation_16x9") or SYS_GetParam(0, hud_sec, "hands_orientation") or "0,0,0", ",") return { [0] = tonumber(c[1]) or 0, [1] = tonumber(c[2]) or 0, [2] = tonumber(c[3]) or 0, } end)(), inv_weight = SYS_GetParam(2, sec, "inv_weight", 0), zoom_rotate_time = SYS_GetParam(2, sec, "zoom_rotate_time", 0.25), } end local target_pos = { hands_position_pistol = { [0] = -0.050912, [1] = -0.646908, [2] = 0.280633, }, hands_position_rifle = { [0] = 0.055224, [1] = -0.6, [2] = 0.202598, } } local custom_offsets = { [0] = 0, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, } function set_custom_offsets(x, y, z) custom_offsets[0] = x or 0 custom_offsets[1] = y or 0 custom_offsets[2] = z or 0 end local tilt_enabled = false local tilt_key_pressed = false local firepos_state = 0 local yaw local roll local max_deg = 75 local grace_threshold = 75 local grace_time = 0 function set_yaw(deg) yaw = deg end function set_roll(deg) roll = deg end function is_tilt_enabled() return tilt_enabled end function is_tilt_key_pressed() return tilt_key_pressed end function randomize_roll_yaw() if not yaw then local max_yaw = settings.yaw_variation yaw = random_float(-max_yaw, max_yaw) end if not roll then local max_roll = settings.roll_variation roll = random_float(-max_roll, max_roll * 0.33) end end function remove_roll_yaw() yaw = nil roll = nil end function enable_tilt(sec, wpn, actually_tilting) if not tilt_enabled then -- Dirty AF hack to reset position (unused) -- local wpn_hud = ui_debug_wpn_hud.WpnHudEditor(nil, sec) -- if wpn_hud then -- wpn_hud:Reset(true) -- wpn_hud:Close() -- end reset_wpn_hud(sec) hud_adjust.enabled(true) set_weapon_position(sec, weapon_table[sec].hands_position, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation) if debug_enabled() then exec_console_cmd("g_firepos 1") end tilt_enabled = true callback("actor_on_weapon_tilt_start", wpn) end if scoped_weapon_zoomed and actually_tilting then if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end end end function apply_droop(new_pos, new_ori) local droop = _G.droop_state.visual_droop new_ori[0] = new_ori[0] + droop[1] new_ori[1] = new_ori[1] + droop[2] new_ori[2] = new_ori[2] + droop[3] new_pos[0] = new_pos[0] + droop[4] new_pos[1] = new_pos[1] + droop[5] new_pos[2] = new_pos[2] + droop[6] end function wake_tilt(wpn, sec, coeff, delta, actually_tilting) if not (wpn and sec and coeff and delta) then return end -- Calculate new position new_pos, new_ori = calculate_new_position(wpn, sec, coeff, delta) -- Adjust hud enable_tilt(sec, wpn, actually_tilting) local animation_progress = normalize(new_ori[1], weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], max_deg) if animation_progress > 0 then callback("actor_on_weapon_tilting", wpn, animation_progress) end if actually_tilting then apply_droop(new_pos, new_ori) end set_weapon_position(sec, new_pos, new_ori) end function reset(sec, stay_alive) if tilt_enabled then if sec and weapon_table[sec] then reset_wpn_hud(sec) end hud_adjust.enabled(false) if debug_enabled() then exec_console_cmd("g_firepos " .. (firepos_state or 0)) end smoothed_values.hands_position_x = nil smoothed_values.hands_position_y = nil smoothed_values.hands_position_z = nil smoothed_values.hands_orientation_x = nil smoothed_values.hands_orientation_y = nil smoothed_values.hands_orientation_z = nil smoothed_values.coeff = nil tilt_enabled = false tilt_key_pressed = false grace_time = 0 callback("actor_on_weapon_tilt_end", wpn) end if stay_alive and not tilt_enabled and _G.droop_state.smoothed_droop > 0.001 then wake_tilt(wpn or db.actor:active_item(), sec, 0, device().time_delta) end end -- Get steps depending on inv_weight, heavier guns have less movement speed function get_weapon_weight(wpn, sec) local cobj = wpn and wpn:cast_Weapon() local weight = clamp(cobj and cobj:Weight() or (weapon_table[sec] and weapon_table[sec].inv_weight or 0), 0, 20) return weight end function get_weapon_steps(wpn, sec) return settings.animation_speed * (1 + get_weapon_weight(wpn, sec) * settings.animation_weight_coeff * 0.07) end function set_weapon_position(sec, new_pos, new_ori) -- printf("old_pos for %s: %s, %s, %s", sec, weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2]) -- printf("new_pos for %s: %s, %s, %s", sec, new_pos[0], new_pos[1], new_pos[2]) -- printf("old_ori for %s: %s, %s, %s", sec, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[0], weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[2]) -- printf("new_pri for %s: %s, %s, %s", sec, new_ori[0], new_ori[1], new_ori[2]) hud_adjust.set_vector(0, 0, new_pos[0] or 0, new_pos[1] or 0, new_pos[2] or 0) hud_adjust.set_vector(1, 0, new_ori[0] or 0, new_ori[1] or 0, new_ori[2] or 0) -- hud_adjust.set_vector(parameters[parent].idxa, parameters[parent].idxb, value_1, value_2, value_3) end function soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta, stay_alive) if not weapon_table[sec] then return reset(sec) end local delta = delta or device().time_delta if stay_alive and not tilt_enabled and not scoped_weapon_zoomed then wake_tilt(wpn, sec, 0, delta, false) end if tilt_enabled then -- k is modifier for ema steps to have more inertia in the beginning of movement local k = max(1, 1.5 - (1 - normalize(smoothed_values.hands_orientation_y or max_deg, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], max_deg))) -- Increase speed of return to position when closer to it for zoomed weapons local is_scoped = isScopedWeapon(wpn) local scope_magnitude = 0.105 k = k * (is_scoped and normalize(smoothed_values.hands_orientation_y, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], max_deg) ^ scope_magnitude or 1) -- printf("cur %s, min %s, max %s, %s", smoothed_values.hands_orientation_y, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], max_deg, k) local steps = get_weapon_steps(wpn, sec) * k -- Smooth the coeff local coeff_smoothing = steps * 0.5 local coeff = ema("coeff", 0, 0, coeff_smoothing, delta) -- Remove random roll and yaw if close to end if coeff < 0.5 then remove_roll_yaw() end local new_pos = { [0] = ema("hands_position_x", lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], smoothed_values.hands_position_x, coeff), weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], steps, delta), [1] = ema("hands_position_y", lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], smoothed_values.hands_position_y, coeff), weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], steps, delta), [2] = ema("hands_position_z", lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], smoothed_values.hands_position_z, coeff), weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], steps, delta), } local new_ori = { [0] = ema("hands_orientation_x", lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[0], smoothed_values.hands_orientation_x, coeff), weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[0], steps, delta), [1] = ema("hands_orientation_y", lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], smoothed_values.hands_orientation_y, coeff), weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], steps, delta), [2] = ema("hands_orientation_z", lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[2], smoothed_values.hands_orientation_z, coeff), weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[2], steps, delta), } local animation_progress = normalize(new_ori[1], weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], max_deg) callback("actor_on_weapon_tilting_back", wpn, animation_progress) apply_droop(new_pos, new_ori) set_weapon_position(sec, new_pos, new_ori) if scoped_weapon_zoomed then -- Calculate remaining time for scope aiming local ms = delta / 1000 local t = 0 local threshold = 0.0007 smoothed_values.t = animation_progress while t < weapon_table[sec].zoom_rotate_time and smoothed_values.t > threshold do local k = smoothed_values.t ^ scope_magnitude local steps = get_weapon_steps(wpn, sec) * k local old = smoothed_values.t smoothed_values.t = ema("t", 0, 0, steps, delta) t = t + ms end local res = smoothed_values.t smoothed_values.t = nil if res > threshold then if (get_console():get_bool("wpn_aim_toggle")) then level.press_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) else level.release_action(bind_to_dik(key_bindings.kWPN_ZOOM)) end end end for i = 0, 2, 1 do if abs(new_pos[i] - weapon_table[sec].hands_position[i]) > 0.055 or abs(new_ori[i] - weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[i]) > 0.055 then return end end -- printf("soft reset complete") -- printf("animation_progress %s", animation_progress) reset(sec, stay_alive and not scoped_weapon_zoomed) end end function calculate_new_position(wpn, sec, coeff, delta, steps) -- Calculate new position local position_coeff_y = -0.445 local position_coeff_z = 0.565 local delta = delta or device().time_delta -- Get steps depending on inv_weight, heavier guns have less movement speed -- k is modifier for ema steps to have more inertia in the beginning of movement if not steps then local k = max(1, 1.5 - sqrt(normalize(smoothed_values.hands_orientation_y or weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], max_deg))) steps = get_weapon_steps(wpn, sec) * k end -- Smooth the coeff local coeff_smoothing = steps * 0.5 coeff = ema("coeff", coeff, 0, coeff_smoothing, delta) local is_pistol = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "kind", "") == "w_pistol" and not not_pistol_sec[sec] local new_pos if wpn_positions.weapon_positions[sec] then local p = wpn_positions.weapon_positions[sec] new_pos = { [0] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], p.x or weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], coeff), [1] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], p.y or weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], coeff), [2] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], p.z or weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], coeff ^ 3.5), } else -- Check for scopes on weapons if not wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec] then local parent = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "parent_section", sec) local scopes = str_explode(SYS_GetParam(0, parent, "scopes", ""), ",") for k, v in pairs(scopes) do if (parent .. "_" .. v) == sec then wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec] = wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[parent] break end end -- Add table with 0 offsets if no weapon offset found if not wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec] then wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec] = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 } end end local o = { [0] = wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec].x or 0, [1] = wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec].y or 0, [2] = wpn_positions.weapon_offsets[sec].z or 0, } -- Interpolate between offseted position and desirable closer to obstacle, looks better, mostly -- Different calculations for pistols if is_pistol then local target_pos = { [0] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0] + settings.offset_x + custom_offsets[0], [1] = target_pos.hands_position_pistol[1] + settings.offset_y + custom_offsets[1], [2] = target_pos.hands_position_pistol[2] + settings.offset_z + custom_offsets[2], } -- local a = { -- [0] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0] + o[0] * coeff, -- [1] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1] + (o[1] + position_coeff_y) * coeff, -- [2] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2] + (o[2] + position_coeff_z) * coeff >= 1 and coeff or coeff ^ 2, -- } local b = { [0] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], (o[0] + target_pos[0]), coeff), [1] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], (o[1] + target_pos[1]), coeff), [2] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], (o[2] + target_pos[2]), coeff >= 1 and coeff or coeff ^ 2), } -- local c = { -- [0] = lerp(b[0], b[0], coeff), -- [1] = lerp(b[1], b[1], coeff), -- [2] = lerp(b[2], b[2], coeff ^ 2), -- } new_pos = b else local target_pos = { [0] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0] + settings.offset_x + custom_offsets[0], [1] = target_pos.hands_position_rifle[1] + settings.offset_y + custom_offsets[1], [2] = target_pos.hands_position_rifle[2] + settings.offset_z + custom_offsets[2], } local a = { [0] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0] + o[0] * coeff, [1] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1] + (o[1] + position_coeff_y) * coeff, [2] = weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2] + (o[2] + position_coeff_z) * (coeff >= 1 and coeff or coeff ^ 3.5), } local b = { [0] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], (o[0] + target_pos[0]), coeff), [1] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], (o[1] + target_pos[1]), coeff), [2] = lerp(weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], (o[2] + target_pos[2]), coeff >= 1 and coeff or coeff ^ 3.5), } local c = { [0] = lerp(a[0], b[0], coeff), [1] = lerp(a[1], b[1], coeff), [2] = lerp(a[2], b[2], coeff >= 1 and coeff or coeff ^ 3.5), } new_pos = c end end -- Smooth new position new_pos = { [0] = ema("hands_position_x", new_pos[0], weapon_table[sec].hands_position[0], steps, delta), [1] = ema("hands_position_y", new_pos[1], weapon_table[sec].hands_position[1], steps, delta), [2] = ema("hands_position_z", new_pos[2], weapon_table[sec].hands_position[2], steps, delta), } -- Randomize roll and yaw randomize_roll_yaw() local new_ori = { [0] = ema("hands_orientation_x", weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[0] + yaw * coeff, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[0], steps, delta), [1] = ema("hands_orientation_y", weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1] + max_deg * coeff, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[1], steps, delta), [2] = ema("hands_orientation_z", weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[2] + roll * coeff, weapon_table[sec].hands_orientation[2], steps, delta), } return new_pos, new_ori end local force_disabled = false function set_force_disabled(v) force_disabled = v or v == nil end local reset_on_show_done = false function actor_on_update(binder, delta) if force_disabled then return end local actor = db.actor -- Cancel if PDA is active if actor:active_slot() == 8 or actor:active_slot() == 14 then return reset() end local wpn = actor:active_item() -- printf("%s", delta) -- Reset if no wpn if not wpn then return reset() end local sec = wpn:section() local hud_sec = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "hud") -- Reset when no hud sec if not hud_sec then return reset(sec) end -- Reset if melee weapon or binocs if IsMelee(wpn) or IsItem("fake_ammo_wpn", sec) or IsBinoc(sec) then return reset(sec) end -- Reset if throwable weapon (grenade, bolt) if IsBolt(wpn) or IsGrenade(wpn) or IsThrowable(wpn) then return reset(sec) end -- Add to weapon table if not weapon_table[sec] then add_to_weapon_table(sec) end -- Reset HUD once on weapon raise local state = wpn:get_state() if state == 1 then if not reset_on_show_done then -- printf("reset on show for %s", sec) reset_on_show_done = true reset(sec) end else reset_on_show_done = false end -- Reset if callback function set enabled to false local flags = { enabled = true } callback("actor_on_weapon_before_tilt", wpn, flags) if not flags.enabled then return reset(sec) end -- Soft reset if weapon is lowered if actor_weapon_lowered() then return soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta) end -- Cancel if detector is active if actor:active_detector() then return soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta) end -- Soft reset if hiding weapon or reloading if state == 2 or state == 7 then return soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta) end local new_pos, new_ori if tilt_key_pressed then new_pos, new_ori = calculate_new_position(wpn, sec, 1, delta) else -- Get max dist based on weapon -- Check for scopes on weapons if not wpn_radii[sec] then local parent = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "parent_section", sec) local scopes = str_explode(SYS_GetParam(0, parent, "scopes", ""), ",") for k, v in pairs(scopes) do if (parent .. "_" .. v) == sec then wpn_radii[sec] = wpn_radii[parent] break end end if not wpn_radii[sec] then local best_match = getBestMatch(sec) if best_match then wpn_radii[sec] = wpn_radii[best_match] end end -- Adjust by weapon kind if not wpn_radii[sec] then local wpn_kind = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "kind", "") local wpn_kind_adjustment = wpn_kind_adjustment_table[wpn_kind] or 0 wpn_radii[sec] = wpn_kind_adjustment end if not wpn_radii[sec] then wpn_radii[sec] = 0 end end local max_dist = settings.trigger_radius -- Adjust distance local dist_adjustment = ( -- Adjust distance based on wpn_radii table (wpn_radii[sec] or 0) -- Adjust distance based on silenced weapon + (settings.consider_silencer and isSilencedWeapon(wpn) and 0.12 or 0) ) -- Magnify the adjustment * settings.trigger_radius_magnitude -- Adjust the distance max_dist = max_dist + dist_adjustment -- Get target dist local dist = max(0, get_target_dist() - 0.5) -- printf("target_dist %s", dist) -- Soft reset if distance is more than max_dist if dist > max_dist then return soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta, true) end -- Soft reset if target is enemy stalker or monster local target_obj = get_target_obj() if target_obj and (IsMonster(target_obj) or (IsStalker(target_obj) and xr_combat_ignore.is_enemy(target_obj, actor, true))) then return soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta, true) end -- Soft reset is material is shootable, engine edit required if isShootableMaterial() then return soft_reset(wpn, sec, delta, true) end -- Don't raise before grace time expired -- if grace_time < grace_threshold then -- grace_time = grace_time + device().time_delta -- return -- end -- Apply non linear coefficient coeff = random_funcs.CircularEaseOutPowered(1 - dist / max_dist, 0.65) end wake_tilt(wpn, sec, coeff, delta, true) end function actor_on_weapon_zoom_in(obj) scoped_weapon_zoomed = isScopedWeapon(obj) end function actor_on_weapon_zoom_out(obj) scoped_weapon_zoomed = false end function on_key_press(dik) if dik == settings.manual_tilt_key_bind then tilt_key_pressed = not tilt_key_pressed else local bind = dik_to_bind(dik) local kb = key_bindings if bind == kb.kWPN_ZOOM or bind == kb.kWPN_FIRE then -- Postpone on next tick, needed to not fire on raised state dte.CreateTimeEvent("tilt_key_pressed_postpone", 0, 0, function() tilt_key_pressed = false return true end) end end end function actor_on_weapon_before_fire(flags) if tilt_key_pressed then tilt_key_pressed = false flags.ret_value = false end end function reset_settings() load_settings() if settings.enable_manual_tilt then RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", on_key_press) else tilt_key_pressed = false UnregisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", on_key_press) end if settings.enabled then RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", actor_on_update) else local sec if db.actor then local wpn = db.actor:active_item() sec = wpn and wpn:section() end reset(sec) UnregisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", actor_on_update) end end function actor_on_first_update() -- firepos_state = debug_enabled() and get_console_cmd(0, "g_firepos") or 0 firepos_state = 0 reset_settings() end -- Reset without parameter, for callbacks function reset_func() reset() end function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("on_option_change", reset_settings) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_before_death", reset_func) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_net_destroy", reset_func) RegisterScriptCallback("on_before_level_changing", reset_func) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_first_update", actor_on_first_update) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_update", actor_on_update) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_zoom_in", actor_on_weapon_zoom_in) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_zoom_out", actor_on_weapon_zoom_out) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_weapon_before_fire", actor_on_weapon_before_fire) RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", on_key_press) end -- Patches -- Safemode when weapon is raised manually actor_is_safemode = xr_conditions.actor_is_safemode xr_conditions.actor_is_safemode = function(actor, npc) return actor_is_safemode(actor, npc) or (tilt_enabled and tilt_key_pressed) end function muzzle_pos() local item = db.actor:active_item() if not item then return end local pos = utils_obj.safe_bone_pos(item, "muzzle") return game.world2ui(pos, true) end