weapon_displays = {} weapon_display_slots = {} function on_game_start() RegisterScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_after_move", ActorMenu_on_item_after_move) RegisterScriptCallback("ActorMenu_on_item_before_move", ActorMenu_on_item_before_move) RegisterScriptCallback("actor_on_item_before_pickup", actor_on_item_before_pickup) RegisterScriptCallback("game_object_on_net_spawn", game_object_on_net_spawn) RegisterScriptCallback("save_state", save_state) RegisterScriptCallback("load_state", load_state) -- Patch the displayed items into world items, so that npc's don't pick them up local base_is_world_item = game_setup.is_world_item function game_setup.is_world_item(id) for case_id, case_guns in pairs(weapon_displays) do for item_id, world_id in pairs(case_guns) do if id == world_id then return true end end end return base_is_world_item(id) end end valid_actor_bags = { [EDDListType.iActorBag] = true, [EDDListType.iActorSlot] = true } valid_stash = {} valid_display_kind = {} -- probably a bad idea to mix display metadata with pos/rot offsets in seperate sections, but in the same LTX local ini_displays = ini_file("items\\settings\\hideout_furniture\\displays\\displays.ltx") ini_displays:section_for_each(function(section) local slots = ini_displays:r_float_ex(section, "slots") if not slots then return end -- exit early if there is no number of slots valid_stash[section] = slots local valid_classes = ini_displays:r_list(section, "valid_classes") valid_display_kind[section] = {} for i, class in pairs(valid_classes) do valid_display_kind[section][class] = true end end) ---@param se_obj game_object function game_object_on_net_spawn(se_obj) for case_id, case_guns in pairs(weapon_displays) do for item_id, world_id in pairs(case_guns) do if se_obj:id() == world_id then CreateTimeEvent("collector","freeze_" .. se_obj:id(), 0, freeze_item, se_obj:id(), item_id) return end end end end function ActorMenu_on_item_before_move(flags, case_id, item, mode, bag_from) if not (case_id and item and mode == "loot") then return end local case_obj = get_object_by_id(case_id) local case_sec = case_obj:section() if case_obj and case_sec and valid_stash[case_sec] and valid_actor_bags[bag_from] then local sec = item:section() local kind = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "kind") local case_slot_count = valid_stash[case_sec] if weapon_displays[case_id] and size_table(weapon_displays[case_id]) >= case_slot_count or not(kind and valid_display_kind[case_sec][kind]) then flags.ret_value = false end end end function ActorMenu_on_item_after_move(case_id, item, mode, bag_from) if not (case_id and item and mode == "loot") then return end local case_obj = get_object_by_id(case_id) local case_sec = case_obj:section() if case_obj and case_sec and valid_stash[case_sec] then local sec = item:section() local kind = SYS_GetParam(0, sec, "kind") local item_id = item:id() if valid_actor_bags[bag_from] and kind and valid_display_kind[case_sec][kind] then if weapon_displays[case_id] and weapon_displays[case_id][item_id] then RemoveTimeEvent("collector","remove_" .. weapon_displays[case_id][item_id]) else if not weapon_displays[case_id] then weapon_displays[case_id] = {} weapon_display_slots[case_id] = {} end local ini_wd = ini_file("items\\settings\\hideout_furniture\\displays\\displays.ltx") local se_case = alife_object(case_id) local pos = vector():set(case_obj:position()) local case_slot_count = valid_stash[case_sec] local gun_number = get_first_open_slot(weapon_display_slots[case_id], case_slot_count) local gun_section = ini_sys:r_string_ex(sec,"parent_section") or sec -- Rotation -- -- Pull slot angle for stash local angle = vector():set(se_case.angle) local angle_q = aol_rotation.Quaternion(angle) local angle_str = ini_wd:r_string_ex(case_sec .. "_angles",gun_number) -- Pull angle for gun slot local case_slot_angle = vector():set(string_to_vector(angle_str)) -- get specific angle for gun slot case_slot_angle = case_slot_angle:mul(0.017453292519943295769236907684886) -- convert to radian -- Pull angle for gun local gun_adjust_str = ini_wd:r_string_ex("gun_angle_offsets",gun_section) or "0,0,0" local gun_adjust_angle = string_to_vector(gun_adjust_str) gun_adjust_angle = gun_adjust_angle:mul(0.017453292519943295769236907684886) local angle_offset = case_slot_angle:add(gun_adjust_angle) local angle_offset_q = aol_rotation.Quaternion(angle_offset) local q_rotation = angle_offset_q:multiply(angle_q) -- Location -- local pos_offset = vector():set(0,0,0) -- Add position offset (weapon-specific, in vanilla) local position_offset_str = ini_sys:r_string_ex(sec, "position") if position_offset_str then local vec = string_to_vector(position_offset_str) vec.x = 0 -- ignore x axis offset pos_offset:add(vec) end -- Pull position adjustment for gun (weapon-display-specific) local ini_gun_offsets = ini_file("items\\settings\\hideout_furniture\\item_offsets\\items.ltx") local pos_gun_adjust = ini_gun_offsets:r_string_ex("gun_position_offsets",gun_section) if pos_gun_adjust then -- Rotate offset to align with orientation of stash pos_offset:add(string_to_vector(pos_gun_adjust)) end -- Rotate position offset by unique gun rotation offset pos_offset = angle_offset_q:rotate_vector(pos_offset) -- Pull slot positions for stash local slot_pos_str = ini_wd:r_string_ex(case_sec .. "_positions",gun_number) local slot_pos = vector():set(string_to_vector(slot_pos_str)) -- pos_offset = aol_rotation.rotate_vector_by_euler(pos_offset, se_case.angle) pos_offset:add(slot_pos) pos_offset = angle_q:rotate_vector(pos_offset) pos = pos:add(pos_offset) -- Create object at pos local world_se_obj = alife_create_item(sec, { pos, db.actor:level_vertex_id(), db.actor:game_vertex_id() }) -- Rotate object world_se_obj.angle = q_rotation:to_euler_angles() -- world_se_obj.angle = angle -- Set invisible to AI (prevent pickup) local data = utils_stpk.get_weapon_data(world_se_obj) local remove_flags = 16 + 128 local flag_mask = bit_not(remove_flags) data.object_flags = bit_and(data.object_flags, flag_mask) utils_stpk.set_weapon_data(data, world_se_obj) release_item_manager.unmark_item(world_se_obj.id) weapon_displays[case_id][item_id] = world_se_obj.id weapon_display_slots[case_id][gun_number] = world_se_obj.id end elseif weapon_displays[case_id] and weapon_displays[case_id][item_id] then CreateTimeEvent("collector","remove_" .. weapon_displays[case_id][item_id], 0, remove_displayed_item, item_id, weapon_displays[case_id][item_id], case_id) end end end function string_to_vector(string) local t = str_explode(string,",") for k, str in pairs(t) do t[k] = string.gsub(str, "%s+", "") -- remove whitespaces t[k] = tonumber(t[k]) --printf(str) end return vector():set(t[1], t[2], t[3]) end function get_first_open_slot(t, max_slots) for i=1, max_slots do if not t[i] then return i end end end function actor_on_item_before_pickup(obj, flags) for case_id, case_guns in pairs(weapon_displays) do for item_id, world_id in pairs(case_guns) do if obj:id() == world_id then --printf("NO PICKUP") flags.ret_value = false end end end end function freeze_item(id, item_id) local obj = level.object_by_id(id) local phys = obj and obj:get_physics_shell() if phys then -- Show silencer/launcher if stashed item has the attachment if utils_item.has_attached_silencer(get_object_by_id(item_id)) then obj:set_bone_visible("wpn_silencer", true, true) end if utils_item.has_attached_gl(get_object_by_id(item_id)) then obj:set_bone_visible("wpn_launcher", true, true) end phys:freeze() return true end return false end function remove_displayed_item(item_id, world_item_id, case_id) local obj = alife_object(world_item_id) if obj then alife_release(obj) -- USE safe_release_manager.release(se_obj) ?????? weapon_displays[case_id][item_id] = nil for slot, id in pairs(weapon_display_slots[case_id]) do if id == world_item_id then weapon_display_slots[case_id][slot] = nil break end end if size_table(weapon_displays[case_id]) == 0 then weapon_displays[case_id] = nil weapon_display_slots[case_id] = nil end RemoveTimeEvent("collector","freeze_" .. world_item_id) --printf("DISPLAYED ITEM REMOVED") return true end --printf("TRYING TO REMOVE") return false end function vector_rotate_y_radian(v, angle) --angle = angle * 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 local c = math.cos (angle) local s = math.sin (angle) return vector():set(v.x * c - v.z * s, v.y, v.x * s + v.z * c) end function angle_to_radian(angle) return angle * 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 end function save_state(m_data) m_data.weapon_displays = weapon_displays m_data.weapon_display_slots = weapon_display_slots end function load_state(m_data) weapon_displays = m_data.weapon_displays or {} weapon_display_slots = m_data.weapon_display_slots or {} end