#include "common.h" #include "lmodel.h" #include "shadow.h" // Check Screen Space Shaders modules & addons #include "check_screenspace.h" #ifdef SSFX_SSS int sss_id; Texture2D s_ssfx_sss; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the basic primitive used by convex, volumetric lights // for example spot-lights, one face of the omni lights, etc. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // following options are available to configure compilation: // USE_LMAP // USE_LMAPXFORM // USE_SHADOW ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float4 m_lmap[2]; #ifdef MSAA_OPTIMIZATION float4 main(p_volume I, float4 pos2d : SV_Position, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX ) : SV_Target #else float4 main(p_volume I, float4 pos2d : SV_Position ) : SV_Target #endif { float2 tcProj = I.tc.xy / I.tc.w; gbuffer_data gbd = gbuffer_load_data(GLD_P(tcProj, pos2d, ISAMPLE) ); float4 _P = float4(gbd.P, gbd.mtl ); float4 _N = float4(gbd.N, gbd.hemi ); float4 _C = float4(gbd.C, gbd.gloss ); float m = xmaterial ; #ifndef USE_R2_STATIC_SUN m = _P.w; #endif // FLORA FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS - SSS Update 14.2 // Fix Flora ilumination ( Align normal to light ) #ifdef SSFX_FLORAFIX if(abs(m - MAT_FLORA) <= 0.05) { _N.rgb = -normalize(_P - Ldynamic_pos.xyz); _C.w *= 0.3f; } #endif // ----- light-model float rsqr; float4 light = plight_local(m, _P, _N, _C, Ldynamic_pos, Ldynamic_pos.w, rsqr ); // ----- shadow float3 Offset = 0; #ifdef SSFX_SHADOWS // Biasing ( Use the nDotL from plight_local... ) float bias_int = (1.0 - saturate(dot(_N, -normalize(_P - Ldynamic_pos.xyz)))) * rsqr * Ldynamic_pos.w; Offset = _N * (0.025f + bias_int * ssfx_shadow_bias.x); #endif float4 P4 = float4(_P.xyz + Offset, 1); float4 PS = mul(m_shadow, P4 ); float s = 1.h; #ifdef USE_SHADOW s = shadow( PS ); #endif // ----- lightmap float4 lightmap= 1.h; #ifdef USE_LMAP #ifdef USE_LMAPXFORM PS.x = dot(P4, m_lmap[0] ); PS.y = dot(P4, m_lmap[1] ); #endif // Can use linear with mip point lightmap = s_lmap.SampleLevel(smp_rtlinear, PS.xy / PS.w, 0 ); #endif #ifdef SSFX_SSS if (sss_id > -1) { float2 offset = (sss_id < 4 ? float2(0,0) : float2(0.5f,0)); float4 SSS_Sample = s_ssfx_sss.Sample( smp_rtlinear, tcProj * float2(0.5f, 1.0f) + offset ); // (sss_id < 3 ? float2(0,0) : float2(0.5f,0)) s *= SSS_Sample[sss_id % 4]; } #endif #ifdef SSFX_ENHANCED_SHADERS return float4(SRGBToLinear(Ldynamic_color.rgb * lightmap.rgb * s.xxx),1) * light; #else return float4( Ldynamic_color * light * s * lightmap); #endif }