#include "common.h" struct v_vert { float4 P : POSITION; // (float,float,float,1) float4 N : NORMAL; // (nx,ny,nz,hemi occlusion) float4 T : TANGENT; float4 B : BINORMAL; float4 color : COLOR0; // (r,g,b,dir-occlusion) int2 uv : TEXCOORD0; // (u0,v0) }; struct vf { float2 tbase : TEXCOORD0; // base float4 tnorm0 : TEXCOORD1; // nm0 float3 position_w : TEXCOORD2; // nm1 float3 M1 : TEXCOORD3; float3 M2 : TEXCOORD4; float3 M3 : TEXCOORD5; float3 v2point_w : TEXCOORD6; float4 tctexgen : TEXCOORD7; float4 c0 : COLOR0; float fog : FOG; float4 hpos : SV_Position; }; uniform float4x4 m_texgen; vf main (v_vert v) { v.N = unpack_D3DCOLOR(v.N); v.T = unpack_D3DCOLOR(v.T); v.B = unpack_D3DCOLOR(v.B); v.color = unpack_D3DCOLOR(v.color); vf o; float4 P = v.P; o.position_w = P.xyz; //P = watermove(P); o.v2point_w = P - eye_position; o.tbase = unpack_tc_base(v.uv * 1.5f, v.T.w, v.B.w); // Calculate the 3x3 transform from tangent space to eye-space // TangentToEyeSpace = object2eye * tangent2object // = object2eye * transpose(object2tangent) (since the inverse of a rotation is its transpose) float3 N = unpack_bx2(v.N); float3 T = unpack_bx2(v.T); float3 B = unpack_bx2(v.B); float3x3 xform = mul((float3x3)m_W, float3x3( T.x,B.x,N.x, T.y,B.y,N.y, T.z,B.z,N.z )); // The pixel shader operates on the bump-map in [0..1] range // Remap this range in the matrix, anyway we are pixel-shader limited :) // ...... [ 2 0 0 0] // ...... [ 0 2 0 0] // ...... [ 0 0 2 0] // ...... [-1 -1 -1 1] // issue: strange, but it's slower :( // issue: interpolators? dp4? VS limited? black magic? // Feed this transform to pixel shader o.M1 = xform[0]; o.M2 = xform[1]; o.M3 = xform[2]; float3 L_rgb = v.color.xyz; // precalculated RGB lighting float3 L_hemi = v_hemi(N) * v.N.w; // hemisphere float3 L_sun = v_sun(N) * v.color.w; // sun float3 L_final = L_rgb + L_hemi + L_sun + L_ambient; o.hpos = mul(m_VP, P); o.fog = saturate(calc_fogging(v.P)); o.c0 = float4(L_final,1); o.tctexgen = mul( m_texgen, P); float3 Pe = mul(m_V, P); o.tctexgen.z = Pe.z; return o; }