360 lines
16 KiB
360 lines
16 KiB
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
$spawn = "actor"
$ed_icon = ed\ed_actor
$player = on
$prefetch = 16
cform = skeleton
class = S_ACTOR
money = 0;
rank = 3;
script_binding = bind_stalker.actor_init
visual = actors\stalker_hero\stalker_hero_1.ogf
destroyed_vis_name = dynamics\Dead_Body\skelet_crash
player_hud_section = actor_hud
terrain = actor_terrain
; CoC-Xray
snd_night_vision_on = weapons\nv_start
snd_night_vision_off = weapons\nv_off
snd_night_vision_idle = weapons\nv_loop
snd_night_vision_broken = weapons\nv_off
max_item_mass = 50
jump_speed = 6.85
crouch_coef = 0.45
climb_coef = 0.5
run_coef = 2.410 ;4.1
sprint_koef = 2.08 ;2.0
run_back_coef = 1.33
walk_back_coef = 0.61
air_control_param = 0.02
walk_accel = 11.5 ;16
show_corpses_dist = 10
sprint_strafe_coef = 0.8 ;Anomaly 1.5, speed multiplier for diagonal sprinting
;ðàäèóñ â êîòðîì íàä ïðåäìåòàìè âûâîäÿòñÿ èõ íàçâàíèÿ
pickup_info_radius = 5 ;3
feel_grenade_radius = 6.0 ;ðàññòîÿíèå (â ìåòðàõ) íà êîòîðîì àêòåð ÷óâñòâóåò ãðàíàòó (ëþáóþ)
feel_grenade_time = 0.4 ;âðåìÿ ãðàíàòû (ñåê) ïîñëå êîòîðîãî àêòåð ÷óâñòâóåò ãðàíàòó
ef_creature_type = 17 ; option for evaluation functions
; attach params
; NOTE: when you add new torches, you should assign their sections here. Otherwise they will stick in the place you spawned them at
attachable_items = device_torch,device_torch_dummy,device_torch_nv_1,device_torch_nv_2,device_torch_nv_3,attachable_item,hand_radio
ph_box0_center = 0.0, 0.90, 0.0
ph_box0_size = 0.30, 0.90, 0.30
ph_box1_center = 0.0, 0.67, 0.0
ph_box1_size = 0.25, 0.67, 0.20
ph_box2_center = 0.0, 0.22, 0.0
ph_box2_size = 0.25, 0.22, 0.25
stalker_restrictor_radius = 0.05;0.02;0.02;0.02;0.02
stalker_small_restrictor_radius = .01;
medium_monster_restrictor_radius = 0.1
ph_crash_speed_min = 15
ph_crash_speed_max = 41
ph_collision_damage_factor = 0.88
ph_mass = 94
weapon_bone0 = bip01_r_finger1
weapon_bone1 = bip01_l_finger1
weapon_bone2 = bip01_r_finger11
damage = actor_damage
hit_probability_gd_novice = 1 ;0.20
hit_probability_gd_stalker = 1 ;0.30
hit_probability_gd_veteran = 1 ;0.40
hit_probability_gd_master = 1 ;0.50
hit_sounds = actor_hit_snds
;actor condition
immunities_sect = actor_immunities_gd_novice
condition_sect = actor_condition
heavy_breath_snd = none ;çâóê òÿæåëîãî äûõàíèÿ ïðè óñòàëîñòè
heavy_blood_snd = affects\heartbeat; heart\8
heavy_danger_snd = affects\heartbeat
material = creatures\actor
camera_height_factor = 0.92 ;0.85
;äèñïåðñèÿ ñòðåëüáû ñ ó÷åòîì õîäüáû è áåãà
disp_base = 1.5 ;óãîë (â ãðàäóñàõ) ðàçëåòà ïóëü, êîãäà àêòåð ñòîèò íà ìåñòå
disp_aim = 0.05
disp_vel_factor = 2.5 ;íà ñêîëüêî óâåëè÷èòñÿ äèñïåðñèÿ ïðè ñêðîñòè â 10 ì/ñ (íå îáÿçàòåëüíî ïðè áåãå)
disp_accel_factor = 0.0 ;åùå íà ñêîëüêî óâåëè÷èòñÿ, åñëè àêòåð áåæèò (+ ñêîðîñòü)
disp_crouch_factor = -0.65 ;óìåíüøåíèå åñëè àêòåð ñèäèò
disp_crouch_no_acc_factor = -0.75 ;óìåíüøåíèå åñëè àêòåð ñèäèò + no acceleration
disp_jump_factor = 1.8
body_remove_time = 300000 ;âðåìÿ óíè÷òîæåíèÿ òðóïà (ñ ó÷åòîì TimeFactor)
sleep_time_factor = 1000 ;400 ;âî ñêîëüêî ðàç âðåìÿ èäåò áûñòðåå, êîãäà àêòåð ñïèò
max_sleep_hours = 12
;species of monster
species = actor
;---STEP MANAGER------------------------------------------------------
LegsCount = 2
step_params = stalker_step_manager
foot_bones = stalker_foot_bones
memory_update_time = 100
; visibility parameters
DynamicObjectsCount = 32
min_view_distance = 1.0 ; êîýôôèöèåíò, êîòîðûé ìíîæèòñÿ íà eye_range, â çàâèñèìîñòè îò óãëà
max_view_distance = 1.0 ; êîýôôèöèåíò, êîòîðûé ìíîæèòñÿ íà eye_range, â çàâèñèìîñòè îò óãëà
visibility_threshold = 1.0 ; çíà÷åíèå, ïðè äîñòèæåíèè ñóììîé êîòîðîãî îáúåêò ñ÷èòàåòñÿ âèäèìûì
always_visible_distance = 1.0
time_quant = 0.005
decrease_value = 0.1 ; çíà÷åíèå, íà êîòîðîå óìåíüøàåòñÿ âåñ, åñëè îáúåêò ïîïàë â ôðóñòóì, íî îòñ¸êñÿ ïî êàêèì-òî ïðè÷èíàì
velocity_factor = 0.5
luminocity_factor = 0.5;0 ; ôàêòîð îñâåùåíèÿ (òîëüêî äëÿ Àêò¸ðà)
transparency_threshold = 0.9 ; 0.25
still_visible_time = 15000 ; âðåìÿ, êîòîðîå îáúåêò âñ¸ åù¸ ñ÷èòàåòñÿ âèäèìûì, äàæå åñëè îí óæå íå âî ôðóñòóìå
quick_item_1 = medkit
quick_item_2 = bandage
quick_item_3 = medkit_army
quick_item_4 = stimpack
burn_immunity = 5.45
strike_immunity = 0.64
shock_immunity = 0.95
wound_immunity = 0.70
radiation_immunity = 0.51
telepatic_immunity = 1.25
chemical_burn_immunity = 1.21
explosion_immunity = 0.39
fire_wound_immunity = 0.33
burn_immunity = 7.25
strike_immunity = 0.85
shock_immunity = 1.26
wound_immunity = 0.93
radiation_immunity = 0.68
telepatic_immunity = 1.66
chemical_burn_immunity = 1.61
explosion_immunity = 0.52
fire_wound_immunity = 0.5
burn_immunity = 9.1
strike_immunity = 1.07
shock_immunity = 1.59
wound_immunity = 1.17
radiation_immunity = 0.85
telepatic_immunity = 2.09
chemical_burn_immunity = 2.02
explosion_immunity = 0.65
fire_wound_immunity = 0.75
burn_immunity = 10.9
strike_immunity = 1.28
shock_immunity = 1.90
wound_immunity = 1.41
radiation_immunity = 1.03
telepatic_immunity = 2.50
chemical_burn_immunity = 2.42
explosion_immunity = 0.79
fire_wound_immunity = 1.0
satiety_v = 0.00002 ;0.0000250 ;rate of satiety reduction with time
radiation_v = 0.00001 ;ñêîðîñòü óìåíüøåíèÿ ðàäèàöèè
satiety_power_v = 0.00325 ;increase strength while reducing satiety
satiety_health_v = 0.00001 ;increase in health while reducing satiety
satiety_critical = 0.2 ;the critical value of satiety (as a percentage of 0..1) when health begins to decrease
radiation_health_v = 0.0018 ;0.002 ;óìåíüøåíèå çäîðîâüÿ ïðè âîçäåéñòâèè ðàäèàöèè
morale_v = 0.0001 ;ñêîðîñòü âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ ìîðàëè
psy_health_v = 0.0015 ;0.001 ;ñêîðîñòü âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ psy-çäîðîâüÿ
alcohol_v = -0.00052
health_hit_part = 1.0 ;ïðîöåíò õèòà, óõîäÿùèé íà îòíèìàíèå çäîðîâüÿ
power_hit_part = 0.035 ;ïðîöåíò õèòà, óõîäÿùèé íà îòíèìàíèå ñèëû
max_power_leak_speed = 0.000001 ;íàêîïëåíèå óñòàëîñòè (ìàêñ ãðàíèöà, äî êîòîðîé âîññòàíàâëèâàåòñÿ ñèëà) â ñåêóíäó èãðîâîãî âðåìåíè
max_walk_weight = 100 ; 950 ; wpn_test ; 150 ; 55 ;50 ;490 ;90
; Bullets and melee attacks can cause very severe bleeding but health loss is prolonged in time.
bleeding_v = 0.0015 ;ïîòåðÿ êðîâè ïðè íîìèíàëüíîé ðàíå â ñåêóíäó
wound_incarnation_v = 0.0002 ;ñêîðîñòü çàæèâëåíèÿ ðàíû
min_wound_size = 0.0064 ;ìèíèìàëüíûé ðàçìåð ðàíû, ïîñëå êîòîðîãî îíà ñ÷èòàåòñÿ çàæèâøåé
bleed_speed_k = 0.88 ; TotalWounds * bleed_speed_k
;--when actor in sleep
satiety_v_sleep = 0.000006
radiation_v_sleep = 0.000014 ;0.0003
satiety_power_v_sleep = 0.0001
satiety_health_v_sleep = 0.00001
radiation_health_v_sleep = 0.0012
morale_v_sleep = 0.000125
psy_health_v_sleep = 0.002
alcohol_v_sleep = -0.0025
max_power_leak_speed_sleep = -0.00001
bleeding_v_sleep = 0.0
wound_incarnation_v_sleep = 0.0005
health_restore_v = 0.0 ;0.0001
;actor_condition only
jump_power = 0.018 ;óìåøüøåíèå ñèëû ñ ïðûæêîì áåç ó÷åòà âåñà íîøè
jump_weight_power = 0.2 ;0.045 ;óìåøüøåíèå ñèëû ñ ïðûæêîì ñ ó÷åòîì âåñà íîøè, äëÿ ìàêñèìàëüíîãî äîïóñòèìîãî âåñà
overweight_jump_k = 1.03 ;10 ;10 ;êîýôôèöèåíò âëèÿíèå ïåðåãðóçêè ïðûæîê ñ âåñîì (óìíîæàåòñÿ íà jump_weight_power)
stand_power = -0.005
walk_power = 0.0002 ;0.00002 ;0.000012 ;Reduction of force for a second during walking without taking into account weight of a burden
walk_weight_power = 0.0044 ;0.0022 ; 0.0044 orig ;0.0001 ;Reduction of force for a second during walking in view of weight of a burden, for the maximal allowable weight
overweight_walk_k = 2.5 ;9 ;10 ;Factor influence of an overload of a burden (it is multiplied on walk_weight_power)
accel_k = 1.3 ;1.25 ;5 ;Factor on run (it is multiplied walk_power, walk_weight_power)
sprint_k = 4.0 ;75 ;êîýôôèöèåíò íà "sprint" áåã (óìíîæàåòñÿ walk_power, walk_weight_power)
; õðîìîòà
limping_health_begin = 0.09 ;ïîðîã çäîðîâüÿ ìåíüøå êîòîðîãî àêòåð íà÷èíàåò õðîìàòü
limping_health_end = 0.12 ;ïîðîã çäîðîâüÿ áîëüøå êîòîðîãî àêòåð ïåðåñòàåò õðîìàòü
limping_power_begin = 0.18 ;ïîðîã ñèëû ìåíüøå êîòîðîãî àêòåð íà÷èíàåò õðîìàòü
limping_power_end = 0.29 ;ïîðîã ñèëû áîëüøå êîòîðîãî àêòåð ïåðåñòàåò õðîìàòü
use_limping_state = on
cant_walk_power_begin = 0.0015 ;The threshold of force less which actor cannot move
cant_walk_power_end = 0.007 ;The threshold of force more which actor can move
cant_sprint_power_begin = 0.08 ;ïîðîã ñèëû ìåíüøå êîòîðîãî àêòåð íå ìîæåò áåæàòü â ñïðèíòå
cant_sprint_power_end = 0.10 ;ïîðîã ñèëû áîëüøå êîòîðîãî àêòåð ñìîæåò áåæàòü â ñïðèíòå
can_sleep_callback = dream.can_sleep_callback
sleep_video_name_callback = dream.sleep_video_name_callback
radio_zone_max_power = 0.055 ;ïðåäåëû çîí äëÿ äàò÷èêîâ è äëÿ èíâåíòàðÿ (% çàùèò áðîíèêîâ)
fire_zone_max_power = 1.15
acid_zone_max_power = 0.25
psi_zone_max_power = 0.25
electra_zone_max_power = 4.0
max_power_restore_speed = 0.020
max_fire_wound_protection = 1.20
max_wound_protection = 2.20
hud_health_blink = 0.05
[actor_thd_gd_novice] ; Ñåêöèÿ íàñòðîåê íåîäíîóäàðíîãî óáèéñòâà äëÿ ñëîæíîñòè novice
killing_hit_treshold = 0.0
last_chance_health = 0.0
invulnerable_time = 0.0
[actor_thd_gd_stalker] ; Ñåêöèÿ íàñòðîåê íåîäíîóäàðíîãî óáèéñòâà äëÿ ñëîæíîñòè stalker
killing_hit_treshold = 0.0
last_chance_health = 0.0
invulnerable_time = 0.0
[actor_thd_gd_veteran] ; Ñåêöèÿ íàñòðîåê íåîäíîóäàðíîãî óáèéñòâà äëÿ ñëîæíîñòè veteran
killing_hit_treshold = 0.0
last_chance_health = 0.0
invulnerable_time = 0.0
[actor_thd_gd_master] ; Ñåêöèÿ íàñòðîåê íåîäíîóäàðíîãî óáèéñòâà äëÿ ñëîæíîñòè master
killing_hit_treshold = 0.0
last_chance_health = 0.0
invulnerable_time = 0.0
;bone_name = <hit_scale>,<fwd_damage_anim_index>,<wound_scale>
;<hit_scale> - êîýôô. èçìåíåíèÿ õèòà (óìåíüøåíèÿ çäîðîâüÿ)
;<wound_scale> - êîýôô. èçìåíåíèÿ âåëè÷èíû îòêðûòîé ðàíû
;-1 - íåò àíèìàöèé, ÷åòíûé íîìåð - ñïåðåäè, íå÷åòíûé íîìåð - ñçàäè, ÓÊÀÇÛÂÀÅÒÑß ÒÎËÜÊÎ ÏÅÐÅÄÍÈÉ!!! ÇÀÄÍÈÉ ÍÀ ÀÂÒÎÌÀÒÅ
default = 0.75, -1, 1.0
bip01_pelvis = 0.9, 10, 1.2
bip01_spine = 1.0, 10, 1.3
bip01_spine1 = 1.0, 0, 1.5 ;torso
bip01_spine2 = 1.0, 0, 1.5 ;stomach
bip01_neck = 1.0, 0, 2.0
bip01_head = 1.0, 0, 2.0
eyelid_1 = 1.0, 0, 2.0
eye_left = 1.0, 0, 2.0
eye_right = 1.0, 0, 2.0
jaw_1 = 1.0, 0, 2.0
bip01_l_clavicle = 0.9, 4, 1.2
bip01_l_upperarm = 0.7, 4, 1.0
bip01_l_forearm = 0.6, 4, 0.8
bip01_l_hand = 0.5, 4, 0.6
bip01_l_finger0 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger01 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger02 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger1 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger11 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger12 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger2 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger21 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_l_finger22 = 0.25, 4, 0.3
bip01_r_clavicle = 0.9, 2, 1.2
bip01_r_upperarm = 0.7, 2, 1.0
bip01_r_forearm = 0.6, 2, 0.8
bip01_r_hand = 0.5, 2, 0.6
bip01_r_finger0 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger01 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger02 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger1 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger11 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger12 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger2 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger21 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_r_finger22 = 0.25, 2, 0.3
bip01_l_thigh = 0.85, 8, 1.1
bip01_l_calf = 0.65, 8, 0.9
bip01_l_foot = 0.5, 8, 0.6
bip01_l_toe0 = 0.25, 8, 0.3
bip01_r_thigh = 0.85, 6, 1.1
bip01_r_calf = 0.65, 6, 0.9
bip01_r_foot = 0.5, 6, 0.6
bip01_r_toe0 = 0.25, 6, 0.3
;óãëû äâîðîòà íîã àêòåðà âî âðåìÿ ñòðåéôîâ (â ãðàäóñàõ)
fwd_l_strafe_yaw = 22.5
back_l_strafe_yaw = 22.5
fwd_r_strafe_yaw = 22.5
back_r_strafe_yaw = 22.5
l_strafe_yaw = 0
r_strafe_yaw = 0
burn =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3,actor\pain4,actor\pain5,actor\pain6,actor\pain7,actor\pain8 ; ,actor\hurt4
shock =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3,actor\pain4,actor\pain5,actor\pain6,actor\pain7,actor\pain8 ; ,actor\hurt4
strike =actor\drop1,actor\drop2,actor\drop3,actor\drop4 ; ,actor\hurt4
wound =actor\hurt1,actor\hurt2,actor\hurt3,actor\hurt4,actor\hurt5,actor\hurt6,actor\hurt7 ; ,actor\hurt4
radiation =monsters\biting\def_0 ; actor\hurt1,actor\hurt2,actor\hurt3,actor\hurt4
telepatic =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3,actor\pain4,actor\pain5,actor\pain6,actor\pain7,actor\pain8 ; ,actor\hurt4
fire_wound =actor\bullet_hit_1,actor\bullet_hit_2,actor\bullet_hit_3,actor\bullet_hit_4
chemical_burn =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3,actor\pain4,actor\pain5,actor\pain6,actor\pain7,actor\pain8 ; ,actor\hurt4
explosion =affects\tinnitus3a
wound_2 =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3,actor\pain4,actor\pain5,actor\pain6,actor\pain7,actor\pain8
light_burn =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3,actor\pain4,actor\pain5,actor\pain6,actor\pain7,actor\pain8