Divergent/mods/Fillable Canteens/gamedata/configs/items/items/items_fillable.ltx

105 lines
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;Haruka fillable canteen------------------------------------------------
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
class = II_ATTCH
$spawn = "food and drugs\energy_drink"
cform = skeleton
visual = dynamics\drink\drink_flask
kind = i_drink
description = st_empty_canteen_descr
cost = 1
inv_name = st_empty_canteen
inv_name_short = st_empty_canteen
inv_weight = 0.33
icons_texture = ui\ui_canteens
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 0
inv_grid_y = 0
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
attach_position_offset = 0.087266, -0.078540, 0.052360
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
use1_allow_db = false
tier = 1
$spawn = "food and drugs\energy_drink"
cform = skeleton
visual = dynamics\drink\drink_flask
kind = i_drink
description = st_dirty_water_descr
cost = 10
inv_name = st_dirty_water
inv_name_short = st_dirty_water
use_condition = true
script_binding = bind_item.bind
max_uses = 10
inv_weight = 2.0
empty_weight = 0.1
icons_texture = ui\ui_canteens
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 0
inv_grid_y = 0
use1_functor =
use1_action_functor =
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
attach_position_offset = 0.087266, -0.078540, 0.052360
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
repair_part_bonus = 0.01
boost_time = 31
eat_alcohol = -0.06
eat_satiety = 0.0
eat_sleepiness = 0.0
eat_thirstiness = -0.85
eat_radiation = 0.0155
use_sound = interface\inv_drink_flask_2
tier = 1
$spawn = "food and drugs\energy_drink"
cform = skeleton
visual = dynamics\drink\drink_flask
kind = i_drink
description = st_boiled_water_descr
cost = 10
inv_name = st_boiled_water
inv_name_short = st_boiled_water
use_condition = true
script_binding = bind_item.bind
max_uses = 10
inv_weight = 2.0
empty_weight = 0.1
icons_texture = ui\ui_canteens
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 0
inv_grid_y = 0
use1_functor =
use1_action_functor =
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
attach_position_offset = 0.087266, -0.078540, 0.052360
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
repair_part_bonus = 0.01
boost_time = 31
eat_alcohol = -0.1
eat_satiety = 0.0
eat_sleepiness = 0.0
eat_thirstiness = -1.0
eat_radiation = 0.0075
use_sound = interface\inv_drink_flask_2
tier = 1