Divergent/mods/Fair Fast Travel/gamedata/configs/text/eng/catsy_fftd_mcm.xml

400 lines
15 KiB

Author: Catspaw (CatspawMods @ ModDB)
Addon: Fair Fast Travel
Source: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/fair-fast-travel-duration-for-anomaly-151
Permission granted to freely translate into any language.
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_fftd">
<text>Fair Fast Travel</text>
<string id="st_fftd_mapspot_estdur">
<text>at least</text>
<string id="st_fftd_mapspot_meters">
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_gen">
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_ftcfg">
<text>Fast Travel</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_bpcfg">
<text>Backpack Travel</text>
<string id="st_pda_backpack_travel_to">
<text>Backpack travel to</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_skillsystem_enabled">
<text>Enable Haruka Skill System integration</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_haruka_enabled_desc">
<text>If Haruka's Skill System mod is installed and this option is enabled, FFTD will take the movement speed multiplier from your Endurance skill into account and adjust travel times accordingly, e.g. a movement multiplier of 1.15 would reduce all fast travel times by approximately 15%.\n\nIf Skill System is not installed, this setting has no effect.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_usedisguisefix">
<text>Use fix for disguise system?</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_useoldcalcs">
<text>Use Anomaly's unmodified distance formula?</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_mpm">
<text>Minutes of game time passed per 100 meters traveled</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_rnd_enabled">
<text>Random delay enabled for travel duration?</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_rnd_hours_min">
<text>If enabled, minimum hours added</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_rnd_hours_max">
<text>If enabled, maximum hours added</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_rnd_minutes_min">
<text>If enabled, minimum minutes added</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_rnd_minutes_max">
<text>If enabled, maximum minutes added</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_loc_travel">
<text>Travel Within the Same Map</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_map_travel">
<text>Travel to Another Map</text>
<string id="st_fftd_rub">
<string id="st_fftd_toopoor">
<text>You can't afford to pay for passage</text>
<string id="st_fftd_mapspot_guideto">
<text>Hire a guide to</text>
<string id="st_fftd_farepaid_guide">
<text>You called up a nearby veteran guide, and paid them %s to bring you to your destination.</text>
<string id="st_fftd_guides_ignored">
<text>No guides are willing to come to this kind of place just to pick you up</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_menu_gtcfg">
<text>Guide Travel</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_cost_coef">
<text>Cost in rubles per meter traveled</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_pause_stats">
<text>Pause survival stats during travel?</text>
<string id="st_fftd_notyet">
<text>%s unavailable for another %s</text>
<string id="st_fft_hour">
<string id="st_fft_hours">
<string id="st_fft_minute">
<string id="st_fft_minutes">
<string id="st_fft_second">
<string id="st_fft_seconds">
<string id="st_fftd_travelname_ft">
<text>fast travel</text>
<string id="st_fftd_travelname_bp">
<text>backpack travel</text>
<string id="st_fftd_travelname_gt">
<text>guide travel</text>
<string id="st_fftd_ftsystem">
<text>Fast Travel System</text>
<string id="st_fftd_guides_far">
<text>There are no guides close enough to respond</text>
<string id="st_fftd_enemy_guides">
<text>The only guides around here are enemies of your current faction</text>
<string id="st_fftd_guides_none">
<text>No guides are currently answering your messages</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_rnd_enabled_desc">
<text>If enabled for this travel type, a random delay may be added to each trip according to the settings below. A setting of 0-2 hours and 0-59 minutes will precisely replicate Anomaly's vanilla behavior, if desired.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_pause_stats_desc">
<text>If enabled, most survival stats (hunger, thirst) will be frozen for the duration of this travel type.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_enabled">
<text>Hire fast travel guides from the PDA map</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_ftcfg_travel_cooldown">
<text>Fast travel cooldown time</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_bpcfg_travel_cooldown">
<text>Backpack travel cooldown time</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_travel_cooldown">
<text>Guide travel cooldown time</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_ftcfg_travel_cooldown_desc">
<text>You must wait this many realtime seconds between fast travel trips. To disable this feature, set it to zero.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_bpcfg_travel_cooldown_desc">
<text>You must wait this many realtime seconds between backpack travel trips. To disable this feature, set it to zero.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_travel_cooldown_desc">
<text>You must wait this many realtime seconds between guided travel trips. To disable this feature, set it to zero.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_add_travel_time">
<text>Guides take time to reach you</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_add_travel_time_desc">
<text>If enabled, the trip duration will include calculations of how long it takes the guide to travel from their origin point to where the player is.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_local_only">
<text>Guides are local-only</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_local_only_desc">
<text>If enabled, guides will only be available if there is one who is based out of the current map.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_guides_loyal">
<text>Guides are loyal to their faction</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_guides_loyal_desc">
<text>If enabled, guides will refuse to do business with players who are enemies of their faction. Guides will, however, look the other way if the player is properly disguised.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_shared_cooldown">
<text>All travel types share cooldown trigger</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_shared_cooldown_desc">
<text>If this option is enabled, the cooldowns for all travel types are linked--that is, when one is triggered, they all are. For example, travelling to a backpack will also trigger the cooldowns, if any, for fast travel and guided travel.\n\nWhen disabled, each travel type tracks its cooldown separately, if applicable.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_debuglogs_enabled">
<text>Enable debug logging</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_allow_debug_travel">
<text>Allow travel to debug mapspots</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_allow_debug_travel_desc">
<text>When launched in Debug mode, vanilla Anomaly allows fast travel to stalkers, area markers, and various other debug mapspots that aren't normally valid destinations. This can be undesirable, because these markers can get in the way and cause you to teleport to the wrong place, like behind Barkeep or another trader. By default, FFT filters these out.\n\nEnabling this setting will revert to the vanilla behavior. Unless you are testing something, or stuck in the map and need to get out, it is recommended that you leave this option disabled at all times.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_ft">
<text>Normal Fast Travel Settings</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_ftsub">
<text>This is the default form of fast travel, which is controlled by all of Anomaly's fast travel settings. If a travel option says "fast travel" rather than "backpack" or "guide", it is using the settings on this page.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_bp">
<text>Backpack Fast Travel Settings</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_bpsub">
<text>Backpack travel allows you to fast travel to placed backpack stashes, and is also managed by Anomaly's backpack travel settings. It will show the proper names for stashes that were created after FFT's installation.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_gt">
<text>PDA Guide Travel Settings</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_header_gtsub">
<text>Guide travel is unique to FFT, and allows you to hire a veteran guide to escort you to your destination. You must pay them, but guides are assumed to pack supplies for the journey--your survival stats will be paused during the trip (configurable below), and they will come get you even if you are hurt or overweight, ignoring those two settings. However, there are certain places they simply will not go for pay.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_allow_pin_travel">
<text>Allow travel to Quick Pin markers? (requires PAW)</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_allow_pin_travel_desc">
<text>If enabled for this type of travel, Quick Pin markers can be used as fast travel destinations. Pin Travel requires the Personal Adjustable Waypoint addon, and this setting has no effect if it is not installed.\n\nThis is only allowed for Quick Pins because they can only be placed in locations that are reachable by the player.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_getpaw">
<text>The Pin Travel feature requires the Personal Adjustable Waypoint addon:\nhttps://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/personal-adjustable-waypoint-for-anomaly-151-152-and-gamma</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_usedisguisefix_desc">
<text>A bug in vanilla Anomaly causes disguises to be blown if you fast travel near NPCs with time passage enabled. This setting fixes the bug by disabling time-based suspicion in the disguise settings until the timeskip is complete. This should never be disabled except for troubleshooting.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_useoldcalcs_desc">
<text>In vanilla Anomaly, the distance calculation only works correctly within the same map. When calculating travel to other maps, it often produces bizarreW and nonsensical results. FFT replaces this method with a global distance calculation.\n\nThe vanilla method is bad and you should never enable this--but for compatibility reasons you can if you really, really need to.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_cost_coef_desc">
<text>By default, only Guide Travel has a cost. You can optionally set the other two travel types to have a cost as well, and if this value is greater than zero, they will use the same calculations as Guide Travel.</text>
<string id="st_fftd_farepaid_noguide">
<text>Fast travel fare paid: %s</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_ignore_status">
<text>Guides ignore "wounded" and "overweight" status</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gtcfg_ignore_status_desc">
<text>If enabled, Guide Travel ignores the settings that prevent fast travel if the player is bleeding, irradiated, or overweight. This is to represent that guides are willing to administer first aid or help you carry some of your burden.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_combat_dist">
<text>NPC combat distance</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_combat_dist_desc">
<text>The maximum distance at which the player is considered to be "in combat" for the purposes of blocking fast travel.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_combat_timeout">
<text>NPC combat timeout</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_combat_timeout_desc">
<text>If an enemy has not seen the player for this many seconds, they no longer count for the purposes of blocking fast travel.</text>
<!-- Added in 2.3 -->
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_use_warfare_fix">
<text>Use Warfare Alife Overhaul addon fix</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_use_warfare_fix_desc">
<text>If this is enabled and Warfare Mode is active, FFT will skip trying to add fast travel icons to the map. If map icons or context menus aren't working correctly when the Warfare Alife Overhaul addon is installed, try enabling this.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_allow_open_bp">
<text>Allow opening backpacks from the map</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_allow_open_bp_desc">
<text>Enabling this option will re-enable a vanilla feature that allows you to open a backpack from anywhere on the same map. For balance reasons, this is off by default.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gear_dmg_factor">
<text>Gear condition damage multiplier</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gear_dmg_factor_desc">
<text>Adjusts the multiplier for the amount of condition damage applied to all of the player's equipped gear when fast traveling. The further you go, the more wear and tear.\n\nValues around 1 or 2 are recommended as a "normal" difficulty setting, while the maximum setting of 11 is probably far beyond overkill for most normal play.\n\nSetting this to zero will disable the feature for this travel type.</text>
<!-- Added in 2.3.1 -->
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_cond_dmg_mode">
<text>Gear condition damage feature</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_cond_dmg_mode_desc">
<text>All Gear: condition loss is applied to all equipped gear\n
Random: condition loss is applied to one equipped item at random\n
Armor: condition loss is applied to equipped armor and helmet\n
Weapons: condition loss is applied to equipped weapons\n
Disabled: turns off all equipment condition loss for all travel types, regardless of their individual settings.\n
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_fft_dmg_disabled">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_fft_dmg_all">
<text>All Gear</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_fft_dmg_random">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_fft_dmg_armor">
<string id="ui_mcm_lst_fft_dmg_weapons">
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_minimum_health">
<text>Minimum health to travel</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_minimum_health_desc">
<text>If the player would normally be prevented from traveling due to radiation or bleeding, they will also be unable to travel if their health is below this percentage. Setting this to zero effectively disables the feature.</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_minimum_satiety">
<text>Minimum satiety to travel</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_gen_minimum_satiety_desc">
<text>If the player would normally be prevented from traveling due to radiation or bleeding, they will also be unable to travel if their "satiety" (hunger/thirst) is below this percentage. Setting this to zero effectively disables the feature.</text>