Divergent/mods/Beefs NVGs/gamedata/shaders/r3/combine_1.ps

221 lines
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#include "anomaly_shaders.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "night_vision.h"
#include "lmodel.h"
#include "hmodel.h"
Texture2D s_half_depth;
#include "ssao.ps"
#ifdef HDAO
#define USE_HDAO 1
#ifdef SM_5
Texture2D<float> s_occ;
#endif // SM_5
#include "ssdo.ps"
#ifndef USE_HDAO
#define USE_HDAO
#ifdef USE_HDAO
#include "ssao_hdao_new.ps"
#define g_f2RTSize ( screen_res.xy )
#define g_txDepth s_position
#define g_txNormal s_position
#include "ssao_hdao.ps"
#else // USE_HDAO
#ifdef USE_HBAO
#include "ssao_hbao.ps"
#endif // USE_HBAO
#endif // USE_HDAO
struct _input
float4 tc0 : TEXCOORD0; // tc.xy, tc.w = tonemap scale
float2 tcJ : TEXCOORD1; // jitter coords
float4 pos2d : SV_Position;
struct _out
float4 low : SV_Target0;
float4 high : SV_Target1;
// TODO: DX10: Replace Sample with Load
_out main ( _input I )
_out main ( _input I, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX )
gbuffer_data gbd = gbuffer_load_data( GLD_P(I.tc0, I.pos2d, ISAMPLE) );
// Sample the buffers:
float4 P = float4( gbd.P, gbd.mtl ); // position.(mtl or sun)
float4 N = float4( gbd.N, gbd.hemi ); // normal.hemi
float4 D = float4( gbd.C, gbd.gloss ); // rgb.gloss
#ifndef USE_MSAA
float4 L = s_accumulator.Sample( smp_nofilter, I.tc0); // diffuse.specular
float4 L = s_accumulator.Load( int3( I.tc0 * screen_res.xy, 0 ), ISAMPLE );
if (abs(P.w - MAT_FLORA) <= 0.05) {
// Reapply distance factor to fix overtly glossy plants in distance
// Unfortunately some trees etc don't seem to use the same detail shader
float fAtten = 1 - smoothstep(0, 50, P.z);
D.a *= (fAtten * fAtten);
// static sun
float mtl = P.w;
float sun_occ = P.w*2;
mtl = xmaterial;
L += SRGBToLinear(D.rgb * Ldynamic_color.rgb * sun_occ) * plight_infinity (mtl, P.xyz, N.xyz, D.xyzw, Ldynamic_dir);
// Calculate SSAO
#ifdef USE_MSAA
int2 texCoord = I.pos2d;
float3 occ = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
#ifdef USE_HDAO
#ifdef SM_5
occ = s_occ.Sample( smp_nofilter, I.tc0);
#else // SSAO_QUALITY > 3
occ = calc_hdao( CS_P(P, N, I.tc0, I.tcJ, I.pos2d, ISAMPLE ) );
#endif // SSAO_QUALITY > 3
#else // SM_5
occ = calc_new_hdao( CS_P(P, N, I.tc0, I.tcJ, I.pos2d, ISAMPLE ) );
#else // SSAO_QUALITY > 3
occ = calc_hdao( CS_P(P, N, I.tc0, I.tcJ, I.pos2d, ISAMPLE ) );
#endif // SSAO_QUALITY > 3
#endif // SM_5
#else // USE_HDAO
#ifdef USE_HBAO
occ = calc_hbao( P.z, N, I.tc0, I.pos2d );
#else // USE_HBAO
occ = calc_ssdo(P, N, I.tc0, I.pos2d, ISAMPLE).xxx;
#endif // USE_HDAO
occ = compute_colored_ao(occ.x, D.xyz);
occ = SRGBToLinear(occ); //gamma correct
L.rgb += L.a * SRGBToLinear(D.rgb); //illum in alpha
// hemisphere
float3 hdiffuse, hspecular;
hmodel (hdiffuse, hspecular, mtl, N.w, D, P.xyz, N.xyz);
hdiffuse *= occ;
//hspecular *= occ;
float3 color = L.rgb + hdiffuse.rgb;
color = LinearTosRGB(color); //gamma correct
//// SOME NVG SHIT ////
float lua_param_nvg_generation = floor(shader_param_8.x); // 1, 2, or 3
float lua_param_nvg_num_tubes = frac(shader_param_8.x) * 10.0f; // 1, 2, 4, 1.1, or 1.2
float lua_param_nvg_gain_current = floor(shader_param_8.y) / 10.0f;
float lua_param_vignette_current = floor(shader_param_8.z) / 100.0f;
// NVG reduces gloss to 0 inside mask
D.a *= (1.0 - compute_lens_mask(aspect_ratio_correction(I.tc0), lua_param_nvg_num_tubes));
//// END NVG SHIT ////
// here should be distance fog
float3 pos = P.xyz;
float distance = length (pos);
float fog = saturate (distance*fog_params.w + fog_params.x); //
color = lerp (color,fog_color,fog); //
float skyblend = saturate (fog*fog);
float tm_scale = I.tc0.w; // interpolated from VS
_out o;
/////////// BEEFS NVGS CHANGES ///////////
if (lua_param_nvg_generation > 0.0f && compute_lens_mask(aspect_ratio_correction(I.tc0), lua_param_nvg_num_tubes) == 1.0f)
float lua_param_nvg_gain_offset = floor(shader_param_8.w) / 10.0f;
tonemap(o.low, o.high, color, 10.0f * lua_param_nvg_gain_offset);
// Turn split tonemapping data to YUV and discard UV
o.low.r = dot(o.low.rgb, luma_conversion_coeff);
o.high.r = dot(o.high.rgb, luma_conversion_coeff);
o.low.r *= 4.0f;
o.high.r *= 4.0f;
// Turn s_accumulator data in to YUV and discard UV
o.low.g = pow(dot(L.rgb, luma_conversion_coeff),2.0f)*1.3f;
o.high.g = o.low.g;
// Turn albedo into YUV and discard UV
o.low.b = dot(D.rgb, luma_conversion_coeff);
o.high.b = o.low.b;
o.low *= lua_param_nvg_gain_current;
o.high *= lua_param_nvg_gain_current;
// Extra
o.low.a = skyblend;
o.high.a = skyblend;
float vignette = calc_vignette(lua_param_nvg_num_tubes, I.tc0, lua_param_vignette_current+0.02);
o.high = clamp(o.high,0.0,1.0);
o.low= clamp(o.low,0.0,1.0);
o.high.rgb *= vignette;
o.low.rgb *= vignette;
tonemap(o.low, o.high, color, tm_scale);
o.low.a = skyblend;
o.high.a = skyblend;
return o;