288 lines
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288 lines
11 KiB
min_view_distance = 0.4 ; min range of cone based on eye_range
max_view_distance = 0.7 ; max range of cone based on eye_range
visibility_threshold = 40 ;Threshold in which object becomes visible based on factors
always_visible_distance = 0 ;Distance object is always considered visible (float)
time_quant = 0.5 ;step increment to for sight calculations
decrease_value = 0.1 ;Decrease over time to overall threshold
velocity_factor = 0.45 ;Higher value = greater bonus to detection speed when target is moving (depended on movement speed)
luminocity_factor = 0.8 ;Low value = easier to see at night
transparency_threshold = 0.55 ;Low value = easier to see through objects
still_visible_time = 0 ;The time (milliseconds) that the object is still considered visible , even if it is not in the frustum (u32)
min_view_distance = 0.4 ; min range of cone based on eye_range
max_view_distance = 1.0 ; max range of cone based on eye_range
visibility_threshold = 40 ;Threshold in which object becomes visible based on factors
always_visible_distance = 0 ;Distance object is always considered visible (float)
time_quant = 1.0 ;step increment to for sight calculations
decrease_value = 0.1 ;Decrease over time to overall threshold
velocity_factor = 0.55 ;Higher value = greater bonus to detection speed when target is moving (depended on movement speed)
luminocity_factor = 0.8 ;Low value = easier to see at night
transparency_threshold = 0.35 ;Low value = easier to see through objects (if greater then 1 then enemies are blind)
still_visible_time = 0 ;The time (milliseconds) that the object is still considered visible , even if it is not in the frustum (u32)
satiety_v = 0.00001 ;ñêîðîñòü óìåíüøåíèÿ ñûòîñòè ñî âðåìåíåì
radiation_v = 0.0001 ;ñêîðîñòü óìåíüøåíèÿ ðàäèàöèè
satiety_power_v = 0.0005 ;óâåëè÷åíèå ñèëû ïðè óìåíüøåíèè ñûòîñòè
satiety_health_v = 0.001 ;óâåëè÷åíèå çäîðîâüÿ ïðè óìåíüøåíèè ñûòîñòè
satiety_critical = 0.0 ;êðèòè÷åñêîå çíà÷åíèÿ ñûòîñòè (â ïðîöåíòàõ îò 0..1) êîãäà çäîðîâüå íà÷èàíàåò óìåíüøàòüñÿ
radiation_health_v = 0.001 ;óìåíüøåíèå çäîðîâüÿ ïðè âîçäåéñòâèè ðàäèàöèè
morale_v = 0.0001 ;ñêîðîñòü âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ ìîðàëè
health_hit_part = 1.0 ;ïðîöåíò õèòà, óõîäÿùèé íà îòíèìàíèå çäîðîâüÿ
power_hit_part = 0.0 ;ïðîöåíò õèòà, óõîäÿùèé íà îòíèìàíèå ñèëû
psy_health_v = 0.1 ;ñêîðîñòü âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ psy-çäîðîâüÿ
health_restore_v = 0.001 ;ñêîðîñòü âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ çäîðîâüÿ
sleep_health = 1.0 ;êîýôôèöèåíòû ñêîðîñòåé èçìåíåíèÿ ïàðàìåòðîâ âî âðåìÿ ñíà
sleep_power = 1.0
sleep_satiety = 1.0
sleep_radiation = 1.0
sleep_psy_health = 1.0
;---LIMPING STATE-----------------------------------------------------
use_limping_state = on ;off
limping_threshold = 0.5
feel_enemy_who_just_hit_max_distance = 200
;îòêðûòûå ðàíû
bleeding_v = 0 ;ïîòåðÿ êðîâè ïðè íîìèíàëüíîé ðàíå â ñåêóíäó
wound_incarnation_v = 0.0 ;êðóòèçíà êðèâîé çàæèâëåíèÿ (êàêîé ïðîöåíò ðàíû îñòàíåòñÿ ïîñëå çàæèâëåíèÿ â èãðîâóþ ñåêóíäó)
min_wound_size = 0.01
burn_immunity = 0.9 ;Factors of immunity
strike_immunity = 0.9
shock_immunity = 0.6
wound_immunity = 0.60
radiation_immunity = 0.0
telepatic_immunity = 0.0
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.65
explosion_immunity = 0.62
fire_wound_immunity = 0.55
wound_2_immunity = 0.0
; zombied stalkers can't crouch or run
; danger
;; crouch
;;; walk
danger_crouch_walk_forward = 0.8
danger_crouch_walk_backward = 0.575
danger_crouch_walk_left = 0.8
danger_crouch_walk_right = 0.8
;;; run
danger_crouch_run_forward = 0.8
danger_crouch_run_backward = 0.575
danger_crouch_run_left = 0.8
danger_crouch_run_right = 0.8
;; stand
;;; walk
danger_stand_walk_forward = 0.8
danger_stand_walk_backward = 0.8
danger_stand_walk_left = 0.8
danger_stand_walk_right = 0.8
;;; run
danger_stand_run_forward = 0.8
danger_stand_run_backward = 0.8
danger_stand_run_left = 0.8
danger_stand_run_right = 0.8
; free
;; stand
;;; forward
free_stand_walk_forward = 0.8
free_stand_run_forward = 0.8
; panic
;; stand
;;; run
;;;; forward
panic_stand_run_forward = 7.0
;---LEVEL EDITOR------------------------------------------------------
$spawn = "stalkers\stalker_zombied" ; option for Level Editor
attachable_items = device_torch,attachable_item
condition_sect = stalker_zombied_condition
;---IMMUNITIES -------------------------------------------------------
immunities_sect = stalker_zombied_immunities
vision_danger_section = stalker_zombied_vision_danger
vision_free_section = stalker_zombied_vision_free
eye_fov = 90
eye_range = 200
ignore_monster_threshold = 0.8
max_ignore_distance = 60.0
panic_threshold = 0
sound_threshold = 0.7
;---SOUND PLAYER------------------------------------------------------
sound_death = fight\death\death_
sound_anomaly_death = fight\death\death_
sound_hit = fight\hit\hit_
sound_humming = states\idle\idle_
sound_backup = ;fight\attack\attack_ ;fight\backup\stalker\backup_
sound_detour = ;fight\enemy\enemy_ ;fight\detour\stalker\detour_
sound_search = ;fight\attack\attack_ ;fight\searching_enemy\stalker\search_
sound_friendly_fire = ;fight\friendly_fire\stalker\friendly_fire_
sound_panic_human = ;states\panic_human\stalker\panic_
sound_panic_monster = ;states\panic_monster\stalker\panic_
sound_tolls = ;fight\tolls\tolls_
sound_grenade_alarm = ;fight\grenade\grenade_
sound_friendly_grenade_alarm = ;fight\friendly_grenade\friendly_grenade_
sound_need_backup = ;fight\attack\attack_ ;fight\cover_fire\cover_fire_
sound_running_in_danger = ;states\breath\stalker\breath_1
sound_walking_in_danger = ;states\breath\stalker\breath_2
sound_kill_wounded = ;help\wounded\kill_wounded_
sound_enemy_critically_wounded = ;fight\enemy_hit\enemy_hit_
sound_enemy_killed_or_wounded = ;fight\enemy_down\enemy_down_
sound_attack_no_allies = ;fight\fire\fire_,fight\threat\threat_distant_
sound_attack_allies_single_enemy = ;fight\attack\attack_,fight\attack\attack_one_,fight\fire\fire_
sound_attack_allies_several_enemies = ;fight\attack\attack_,fight\attack\attack_many_,fight\fire\fire_
sound_search1_no_allies = ;fight\threat\threat_distant_
sound_search1_with_allies = ;fight\searching_enemy\search_,fight\searching_enemy\enemy_lost_
sound_throw_grenade = ;fight\grenade\grenade_ready_
movement_speeds = stalker_zombied_movement_speeds;
;---FIRE DISPERSIONS--------------------------------------------------
disp_walk_stand = 24
disp_walk_crouch = 15
disp_run_stand = 45
disp_run_crouch = 36
disp_stand_stand = 15
disp_stand_crouch = 9
disp_stand_stand_zoom = 6
disp_stand_crouch_zoom = 3
;----------- MONSTR SPECIES ----------------------------
species = zombie
;---CRITICAL WOUND------------------------------------------------------------------
critical_wound_threshold = 1.1
critical_wound_decrease_quant = 0.
body_parts_section_id = critical_wound_body_parts_section
;---LEVEL EDITOR------------------------------------------------------
$spawn = "stalkers\stalker_fresh_zombied" ; option for Level Editor
movement_speeds = stalker_movement_speeds
;---CRITICAL WOUND------------------------------------------------------------------
critical_wound_threshold = 1.1
critical_wound_decrease_quant = 0.
body_parts_section_id = critical_wound_body_parts_section
[fire_queue_params_zombied] ; min < 15 < medium < 30 < max
pstl_min_queue_size_far = 1
pstl_max_queue_size_far = 1
pstl_min_queue_interval_far = 275
pstl_max_queue_interval_far = 420
pstl_min_queue_size_medium = 1
pstl_max_queue_size_medium = 1
pstl_min_queue_interval_medium = 185
pstl_max_queue_interval_medium = 275
pstl_min_queue_size_close = 1
pstl_max_queue_size_close = 1
pstl_min_queue_interval_close = 95
pstl_max_queue_interval_close = 185
shtg_min_queue_size_far = 1
shtg_max_queue_size_far = 1
shtg_min_queue_interval_far = 360
shtg_max_queue_interval_far = 540
shtg_min_queue_size_medium = 1
shtg_max_queue_size_medium = 1
shtg_min_queue_interval_medium = 240
shtg_max_queue_interval_medium = 360
shtg_min_queue_size_close = 1
shtg_max_queue_size_close = 3
shtg_min_queue_interval_close = 120
shtg_max_queue_interval_close = 240
snp_min_queue_size_far = 1
snp_max_queue_size_far = 1
snp_min_queue_interval_far = 500
snp_max_queue_interval_far = 750
snp_min_queue_size_medium = 1
snp_max_queue_size_medium = 1
snp_min_queue_interval_medium = 260
snp_max_queue_interval_medium = 440
snp_min_queue_size_close = 1
snp_max_queue_size_close = 1
snp_min_queue_interval_close = 290
snp_max_queue_interval_close = 700
auto_min_queue_size_far = 25
auto_max_queue_size_far = 30
auto_min_queue_interval_far = 440
auto_max_queue_interval_far = 715
auto_min_queue_size_medium = 25
auto_max_queue_size_medium = 30
auto_min_queue_interval_medium = 260
auto_max_queue_interval_medium = 440
auto_min_queue_size_close = 25
auto_max_queue_size_close = 30
auto_min_queue_interval_close = 240
auto_max_queue_interval_close = 360
mchg_min_queue_size_far = 25
mchg_max_queue_size_far = 30
mchg_min_queue_interval_far = 440
mchg_max_queue_interval_far = 715
mchg_min_queue_size_medium = 25
mchg_max_queue_size_medium = 30
mchg_min_queue_interval_medium = 260
mchg_max_queue_interval_medium = 440
mchg_min_queue_size_close = 25
mchg_max_queue_size_close = 30
mchg_min_queue_interval_close = 240
mchg_max_queue_interval_close = 360
burn_immunity = 0.9 ;Factors of immunity
strike_immunity = 0.9
shock_immunity = 0.6
wound_immunity = 0.60
radiation_immunity = 0.0
telepatic_immunity = 0.0
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.65
explosion_immunity = 0.62
fire_wound_immunity = 0.55
wound_2_immunity = 0.0
$spawn = "stalkers\armed_zombied"
fire_queue_section = fire_queue_params_zombied
immunities_sect = armed_zombied_immunities
allow_release = true