Divergent/mods/Screen Space Shaders/gamedata/shaders/r3/screenspace_reflections.h

174 lines
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* @ Description: SSR Ray-march
* @ Modified time: 2024-06-03 09:42
* @ Author: https://www.moddb.com/members/ascii1457
* @ Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/screen-space-shaders
#include "screenspace_common.h"
#include "settings_screenspace_SSR.h"
uniform float4 ssr_setup; // x: SSR Resolution | y: Blur Intensity | z: Temporal Intensity
uniform float4 ssfx_ssr_2; // x: Intensity | y: Sky Intensity | z: Weapon Intensity | w: Max Weapon Intensity
uniform float4 ssfx_is_underground;
Texture2D blue_noise;
static const int2 q_ssr_steps[6] =
float4 SSFX_ssr_fast_ray(float3 ray_start_vs, float3 ray_dir_vs, float2 tc, float HudMask, inout float2 noise, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX)
float2 sky_tc = 0;
float2 behind_hit = 0;
// Noise to "improve" consistency between steps
float2 uv_noise = tc + timers.x * (ssr_setup.w > 0);
uv_noise.x *= screen_res.x / screen_res.y;
noise = blue_noise.Sample(smp_linear, uv_noise).x * ssr_setup.w * 0.5f * HudMask;
noise = noise * 2 - 1;
// Initialize Ray
RayTrace ssr_ray = SSFX_ray_init(ray_start_vs, ray_dir_vs, 150, q_ssr_steps[SSFX_SSR_QUALITY].x, 1.0f - noise);
// Save the original step.x
float ori_x = ssr_ray.r_step.x;
// Depth from the start of the ray
float ray_depthstart = SSFX_get_depth(ssr_ray.r_start, iSample);
float2 ray_check = 0;
// Ray-march
[unroll (q_ssr_steps[SSFX_SSR_QUALITY].x)]
for (int i = 0; i < q_ssr_steps[SSFX_SSR_QUALITY].x; i++)
// Ray out of screen...
if (ssr_ray.r_pos.y < 0.0f || ssr_ray.r_pos.y > 1.0f)
return 0;
// Trick for the horizontal out of bounds. Mirror border of the screen.
if (ssr_ray.r_pos.x < 0.0f || ssr_ray.r_pos.x > 1.0f)
ssr_ray.r_pos -= ssr_ray.r_step; // Step back
ssr_ray.r_step.x = -ssr_ray.r_step.x; // Invert Horizontal
ssr_ray.r_pos += ssr_ray.r_step; // Step
// Ray intersect check
ray_check = SSFX_ray_intersect(ssr_ray, iSample);
// Sampled depth is not weapon or sky ( SKY_EPS float(0.001) )
bool NoWpnSky = ray_check.y > 1.3f;
// Disable weapon and sky
ray_check.x *= NoWpnSky;
// Return if ray is not reflecting backward
if (ray_check.x > 0)
if (ray_check.x <= q_ssr_steps[SSFX_SSR_QUALITY].y)
return float4(ssr_ray.r_pos, ray_check.y, 0);
#if SSFX_SSR_QUALITY > 2 // 1 Binary Search step in higher quality settigns ( Quality 4 & 5 )
// Current ray pos & step to restore later...
float4 prev_step = 0;
prev_step.xy = ssr_ray.r_pos;
prev_step.zw = ssr_ray.r_step;
// Half and flip
ssr_ray.r_step *= -0.5f;
// Step ray
ssr_ray.r_pos += ssr_ray.r_step;
// Ray intersect check
ray_check = SSFX_ray_intersect(ssr_ray, iSample);
// Depth test... Conditions to use as reflections...
if (abs(ray_check.x) <= 1.25f)
return float4(ssr_ray.r_pos, ray_check.y, 0);
// Restore previous ray position & step
ssr_ray.r_pos = prev_step.xy;
ssr_ray.r_step = prev_step.zw;
// TexCoor for sky ( Used to fade "SSFX_calc_SSR_fade" )
if (ray_check.y <= SKY_EPS)
sky_tc = ssr_ray.r_pos;
behind_hit = ssr_ray.r_pos;
// Reset or keep depending on... ( > 1.3f = no interaction with weapons and sky )
behind_hit *= (ray_depthstart - 2.0f < ray_check.y) && NoWpnSky;
// Step the ray
ssr_ray.r_pos += ssr_ray.r_step;
return float4(behind_hit, ray_check.y, sky_tc.y);
void SSFX_ScreenSpaceReflections(float2 tc, float4 P, float3 N, float4 gloss, inout float4 color, float HudMask, inout float2 noise, uint iSample : SV_SAMPLEINDEX)
// Note: Distance falloff on "rain_patch_normal.ps"
// Material condition
bool m_terrain = abs(P.w - 0.95f) <= 0.02f;
// Calc reflection bounce
float3 inVec = normalize(P.xyz); // Incident
float3 reVec = reflect(inVec , N); // Reflected
float4 hit_uv = 0;
// Calc SSR ray. Discard low reflective pixels
if (gloss.w > 0.02f)
hit_uv = SSFX_ssr_fast_ray(P.xyz, reVec, tc, HudMask, noise, iSample);
float3 reflection = gloss.rgb;
// Valid UV coor? SSFX_trace_ssr_ray return 0.0f if uv is out of bounds or sky.
if (all(hit_uv.xy))
// Get scene reflection
float3 scene = SSFX_get_image(hit_uv.xy, iSample);
// Vertical screen fade
float HitFade = saturate(hit_uv.y * G_SSR_VERTICAL_SCREENFADE);
// Mix base reflection ( skybox if m_terrain ) with ray reflection
reflection.rgb = lerp(reflection * m_terrain, scene, HitFade);
// Keep skybox if m_terrain
float ray_fade = saturate(saturate(hit_uv.w * G_SSR_VERTICAL_SCREENFADE) + m_terrain);
reflection *= ray_fade;
color.rgb = reflection;