## Settings file was created by plugin Raid Review v0.3.0 ## Plugin GUID: ekky.raidreview [Main] ## Keybind to open the web client. # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut # Default value: F5 Open Webpage Keybind = F5 ## Enables menu item to open the web client. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Insert Menu Item = false ## Enables notifications as recording starts and ends. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Recording Notification = true [Server] ## IP address of the server. # Setting type: String # Default value: 1. Server IP = ## Listen port of the raid review websocket server. # Setting type: String # Default value: 7828 2. Server WS Port = 7828 ## Listen port of the raid review http server. # Setting type: String # Default value: 7829 3. Server HTTP Port = 7829 ## Enable if you are using an SSL Certificate infront of your http server. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false 4. TLS = true ## [WARNING] Only disable if you want to stop all data from being sent to raid review, requires restart. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true 5. Enable Recording = true [Tracking Settings] ## Enables location tracking of players and bots. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Player Tracking = true ## Enables location tracking of kills. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Kill Tracking = true ## Enables location tracking of lootings. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Loot Tracking = true ## Enables location tracking of ballistics. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Ballistics Tracking = true