## Settings file was created by plugin MOAR v2.6.7 ## Plugin GUID: MOAR.settings [1. Main Settings] ## All Bots/Players (excluding bosses) can spawn anywhere (overrides PMC/Player openzone options) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false PMC/Scav/Player OpenZones On/Off = false ## Adds a large number of zones (including all scav zones) to pmc bots spawn pool # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true PMC OpenZones On/Off = true ## Adds a large number of zones to the Player's (you) spawn pool # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Player OpenZones On/Off = false ## Causes all PMCs to spawn in the first few minutes of the game (performance intensive) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Starting PMCS On/Off = false ## Works with SAIN or SPT to decide the bot's 'difficulty' preset (EASY: 0, easy-MEDIUM: 0.4, easy-MEDIUM-hard: 0.6, medium-hard: 0.85, HARD-impossible: 1, etc..) # Setting type: Double # Default value: 0.6 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1.5 Pmc difficulty = 0.6 ## Works with SAIN or SPT to decide the bot's 'difficulty' preset (EASY: 0, easy-MEDIUM: 0.4, easy-MEDIUM-hard: 0.6, medium-hard: 0.85, HARD-impossible: 1, etc..) # Setting type: Double # Default value: 0.4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1.5 Scav difficulty = 0.4 ## Preset to be used, random pulls a random weighted preset from the PresetWeights.json every time a raid ends # Setting type: String # Default value: Random # Acceptable values: Live Like, More Scavs, More Pmcs, More Scavs And Pmcs, Main Boss Roaming, Sniper Buddies, Boss Invasion, Rogue Invasion, Raider Invasion, Insanity, Random, Custom Moar Preset = Custom ## Enable/Disable preset announce preset on raid start # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Preset Announce On/Off = true ## Pulls all server settings from server # Setting type: String # Default value: FIKA DETECTED: ALWAYS PRESS THIS FIRST BEFORE MAKING CHANGES!! = [2. Custom game Settings] ## Pushes settings to server # Setting type: String # Default value: Save the above changes = ## Resets all settings to defaults # Setting type: String # Default value: Reset = ## Makes it so invading bosses do not spawn all at the beginning (recommend for performance) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true gradualBossInvasion On/Off = true ## Percentage chance of each invading boss spawning. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 bossInvasionSpawnChance = 5 ## Allows the main bosses (not knight,rogues,raiders) to invade other maps with a reduced retinue, by default they will spawn in native boss locations # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false bossInvasion On/Off = false ## Increases the spawn chance of the single 'main' boss on each map by this percentage # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 0 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 mainBossChanceBuff = 0 ## Disables all bosses, good for debugging. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false disableBosses On/Off = false ## Chance of a rogue group spawning # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 randomRogueGroupChance = 10 ## Experimental: Makes it so a randomRogueGroup can spawn anywhere # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false randomRogueGroup On/Off = false ## Chance of a raider group spawning # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 randomRaiderGroupChance = 10 ## Experimental: Makes it so a randomRaiderGroup can spawn anywhere # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false randomRaiderGroup On/Off = false ## Experimental: Makes it so the main bosses can spawn anywhere # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false bossOpenZones On/Off = false ## Gives snipers a chance of spawning with a friend :) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false snipersHaveFriends On/Off = false ## Max scav group size # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10 scavMaxGroupSize = 4 ## Max pmc group size # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10 pmcMaxGroupSize = 4 ## Increases chances of pmc groups spawning, doesn't dramatically increase quantity. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false morePmcGroups On/Off = false ## Increases chances of scav groups spawning, doesn't dramatically increase quantity. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false moreScavGroups On/Off = false ## Max bots permitted in any particular spawn zone, recommend not to touch this. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 15 MaxBotPerZone = 5 ## Max bots alive at one time # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 50 MaxBotCap = 25 ## This controls the health of zombies # Setting type: Double # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3 ZombieHealth = 0.5 ## Multiplies wave counts seen in the server's mapConfig.json by this number # Setting type: Double # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10 ZombieWaveQuantity = 0.5 ## Determines the weighting of spawns at the beginning (1) spread evenly throughout (0.5) or at the end(0) of the raid # Setting type: Double # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ZombieWaveDistribution = 0.2 ## Enables zombies to spawn # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false zombiesEnabled On/Off = true ## Determines the weighting of spawns at the beginning (1) spread evenly throughout (0.5) or at the end(0) of the raid # Setting type: Double # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ScavWaveDistribution = 0.5 ## Determines the weighting of spawns at the beginning (1) spread evenly throughout (0.5) or at the end(0) of the raid # Setting type: Double # Default value: 0.7 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 PmcWaveDistribution = 0.7 ## Multiplies wave counts seen in the server's mapConfig.json by this number # Setting type: Double # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10 ScavWaveQuantity = 1 ## Multiplies wave counts seen in the server's mapConfig.json by this number # Setting type: Double # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10 PmcWaveQuantity = 1.5 [3.Debug] ## This is for debugging server output, leave off if you don't know what you're doing # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false debug On/Off = false