## Settings file was created by plugin Performance Improvements v0.2.3 ## Plugin GUID: com.dirtbikercj.performanceImprovements [Bot Limiter] Enable Bot Distance Limiter = true Limit Scavs = true Limit Pmcs = true Limit Bosses = true Factory Distance = 50 Woods Distance = 250 Customs Distance = 225 Interchange Distance = 175 Reserve Distance = 175 Shoreline Distance = 250 Labs Distance = 75 Lighthouse Distance = 225 Streets Distance = 150 GroundZero Distance = 175 [General] ## Enables or disables the use of experimental patches. Requires a restart. These range from logic optimizations to threading optimizations. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Use Experimental Patches(Requires Restart) = true [Graphics] ## Enables experimental graphic settings in the EFT graphics settings page. (REQUIRES RESTART) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Experimental Graphic Settings = true [Scope Resolution] ## Should rendering resolutions change when scoped in? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Enable Dynamic Scope Resolution = false ## How much down sampling to apply, this only works if there is no DLSS or FSR mode enabled. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0.01 to 0.99 Super Sampling = 0.5 ## The DLSS mode to apply to optics, this is only used if DLSS is the selected scaling mode in the EFT graphics settings. # Setting type: EDLSSMode # Default value: Off # Acceptable values: Off, Quality, Balanced, Performance, UltraPerformance DLSS mode = Off ## The FSR2 mode to apply to optics, this is only used if FSR2 is the selected scaling mode in the EFT graphics settings. # Setting type: EFSR2Mode # Default value: Off # Acceptable values: Off, Quality, Balanced, Performance, UltraPerformance FSR2 mode = Off ## The FSR3 mode to apply to optics, this is only used if FSR3 is the selected scaling mode in the EFT graphics settings. # Setting type: EFSR3Mode # Default value: Off # Acceptable values: Off, Quality, Balanced, Performance, UltraPerformance FSR3 mode = Off