/* v1.1 Parchment by Bob */ /* Special Thanks */ /* Parchment is based on Paper Themes for Mod Organizer 2 by 6788 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64439 https://6788-00.tumblr.com/ and ************************************* Skyrim **************************************** Author: chintsu_kun Version: 1.1.2 Licence: GNU General Public License v3.0 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) Url: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73817/? **************************************** For the Checkbox Coding and for the Picture Files which I Edited in Paint 3D */ /* Main Window */ QWidget { background: #DBD399; color: #000000; } QWidget:disabled { background: #DBD399; color: #baae94; } QMainWindow::separator { border: 0px; } QAbstractItemView { background: #F7F6CF; alternate-background-color: #EFE9BA; show-decoration-selected: 1; selection-background-color: #0CA6FF; selection-color: #F7F6CF; } QAbstractItemView::item:hover { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QAbstractItemView::item:selected { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; } QAbstractScrollArea::corner { background: #F7F6CF; border: 2px solid #DBD399; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; margin: 0px -2px -2px 0px; } /* Toolbar */ QToolBar { background: #DBD399; border: 1px solid #DBD399; } QToolBar::separator { background: #DBD399; } QToolButton { background: #F7F6CF; padding: 4px 6px; border-radius: 6px; margin: 4px 4px 0px 4px; } QToolButton:hover { background: #008F8F; } QToolButton:pressed { background: #0CA6FF; } /* Left Pane & File Trees */ QTreeView { border-radius: 6px; } QTreeView::branch:hover { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QTreeView::branch:selected { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; } QTreeView::item:selected { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; } QTreeView::branch:has-children:!has-siblings:closed, QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children:has-siblings { image: url(:/stylesheet/branch-closed.png); border: 0px; } QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:!has-siblings, QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:has-siblings { image: url(:/stylesheet/branch-open.png); border: 0px; } QListView { border-radius: 6px; } QListView::item:hover { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QListView::item:selected { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; } QTextEdit { background: #F7F6CF; border-radius: 6px; } QWebView { background: #F7F6CF; border-radius: 6px; } QAbstractItemView[filtered=true] { border: 2px solid #f00 !important; } /* Group Boxes */ QGroupBox { padding: 24px 4px; border: 2px solid #F7F6CF; border-radius: 10px; } QGroupBox::title { subcontrol-origin: padding; subcontrol-position: top left; padding: 8px; } /* Checkboxes and Radio buttons common #QCheckBox, #QRadioButton */ /*common*/ QGroupBox::indicator, QTreeView::indicator, QCheckBox::indicator { background-color: transparent; border: none; width: 14px; height: 14px; } QGroupBox::indicator:checked, QGroupBox::indicator:indeterminate, QTreeView::indicator:checked, QTreeView::indicator:indeterminate, QCheckBox::indicator:checked, QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate { image: url(./Parchment/checkbox-checked.png); } QGroupBox::indicator:checked:hover, QGroupBox::indicator:indeterminate:hover, QTreeView::indicator:checked:hover, QTreeView::indicator:indeterminate:hover, QCheckBox::indicator:checked:hover, QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate:hover { image: url(./Parchment/checkbox-checked-hover.png); } QGroupBox::indicator:checked:disabled, QGroupBox::indicator:indeterminate:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:checked:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:indeterminate:disabled, QCheckBox::indicator:checked:disabled, QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate:disabled { image: url(./Parchment/checkbox-checked-disabled.png); } QGroupBox::indicator:unchecked, QTreeView::indicator:unchecked, QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked { image: url(./Parchment/checkbox.png); } QGroupBox::indicator:unchecked:hover, QTreeView::indicator:unchecked:hover, QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:hover { image: url(./Parchment/checkbox-hover.png); } QGroupBox::indicator:unchecked:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:unchecked:disabled, QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:disabled { image: url(./Parchment/checkbox-disabled.png); } /* Search Boxes */ QLineEdit { background: #F7F6CF; min-height: 14px; padding: 2px; border: 2px solid #F7F6CF; border-radius: 6px; margin-top: 3px; } QLineEdit:hover { border: 2px solid #008F8F; } /* Most Dropdowns */ QComboBox { background: #F7F6CF; min-height: 20px; padding-left: 5px; border: 2px solid #F7F6CF; border-radius: 6px; margin: 3px 0px 1px 0px; } QComboBox:hover { border: 2px solid #008F8F; } QComboBox:on { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; border: 2px solid #0CA6FF; } QComboBox::drop-down { width: 20px; subcontrol-origin: padding; subcontrol-position: top right; border: none; } QComboBox QAbstractItemView { border: 0px; } QComboBox::down-arrow { image: url(:/stylesheet/combobox-down.png); } /* Most Buttons */ QPushButton { background: #F7F6CF; color: #000000; min-height: 28px; padding: 4px 22px; border-radius: 9px; } QPushButton:hover { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QPushButton:pressed { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; } QPushButton:checked { background: #0CA6FF; color: #0CA6FF; margin: 4px; } /* Scroll Bars */ /* Horizontal */ QScrollBar:horizontal { background: #F7F6CF; height: 20px; border: 2px solid #DBD399; margin: 0px 23px -2px 23px; } QScrollBar::handle:horizontal { background: #DBD399; min-width: 32px; border-radius: 6px; margin: 2px; } QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal { background: #F7F6CF; width: 23px; subcontrol-position: right; subcontrol-origin: margin; border: 2px solid #DBD399; margin: 0px -2px -2px 0px; } QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal { background: #F7F6CF; width: 23px; subcontrol-position: left; subcontrol-origin: margin; border: 2px solid #DBD399; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px; margin: 0px 0px -2px -2px; } /* Vertical */ QScrollBar:vertical { background: #F7F6CF; width: 20px; border: 2px solid #DBD399; margin: 23px -2px 23px 0px; } QScrollBar::handle:vertical { background: #DBD399; min-height: 32px; border-radius: 6px; margin: 2px; } QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { background: #F7F6CF; height: 23px; subcontrol-position: bottom; subcontrol-origin: margin; border: 2px solid #DBD399; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; margin: 0px -2px -2px 0px; } QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { background: #F7F6CF; height: 23px; subcontrol-position: top; subcontrol-origin: margin; border: 2px solid #DBD399; border-top-right-radius: 6px; margin: -2px -2px 0px 0px; } /* Combined */ QScrollBar::handle:horizontal:hover, QScrollBar::handle:vertical:hover, QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal:hover, QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal:hover, QScrollBar::add-line:vertical:hover, QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical:hover { background: #008F8F; } QScrollBar::handle:horizontal:pressed, QScrollBar::handle:vertical:pressed, QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal:pressed, QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal:pressed, QScrollBar::add-line:vertical:pressed, QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical:pressed { background: #0CA6FF; } QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-page:horizontal, QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical { background: transparent; } QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::right-arrow:horizontal, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::left-arrow:horizontal { height: 1px; width: 1px; border: 1px solid #DBD399; } /* Header Rows */ QHeaderView { background: #DBD399; } QHeaderView::section { background: #F7F6CF; color: #000000; height: 22px; padding: 0px 5px; border: 0px; border-bottom: 2px solid #DBD399; border-right: 2px solid #DBD399; } QHeaderView::section:first { border-top-left-radius: 6px; } QHeaderView::section:last { border-right: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 6px; } QHeaderView::section:hover { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QHeaderView::down-arrow { padding-right: 4px; height: 10px; width: 10px; } /* Context Menus, Toolbar Dropdowns, & Tooltips */ QMenuBar { background: #DBD399; border: 1px solid #DBD399; } QMenuBar::item:selected { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QMenu { background: #F7F6CF; selection-color: #F7F6CF; border: 0px; } QMenu::item { background: #F7F6CF; selection-background-color: #008F8F; padding: 4px 20px; } QMenu::item:selected { background: #008F8F; color: #F7F6CF; } QMenu::item:disabled { background: #F7F6CF; color: #444444; } QMenu::separator { background: #DBD399; height: 2px; } QMenu::icon { margin: 1px; } QToolTip { background: #F7F6CF; color: #000000; padding: 1px; border: 0px; } QStatusBar::item {border: None;} /* Progress Bars (Downloads) */ QProgressBar { background: #F7F6CF; text-align: center; border: 0px; border-radius: 6px; margin: 0px 10px; } QProgressBar::chunk { background: #008F8F; } /* Right Pane and Tab Bars */ QTabWidget::pane { top: 1px; padding: 2px 2px 10px 2px; border: 2px solid #F7F6CF; border-radius: 10px; } QTabWidget::tab-bar { alignment: center; } QTabBar::tab { background: #F7F6CF; color: #000000; padding: 4px 1em; border: 1px solid #DBD399; border-top: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; } QTabBar::tab:!selected { background: #F7F6CF; color: #000000; } QTabBar::tab:disabled { background: #DBD399; color: #444444; } QTabBar::tab:selected { color: #0CA6FF; } QTabBar::tab:!selected:hover { background: #0CA6FF; color: #F7F6CF; } QTabBar::tab:first { border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; } QTabBar::tab:last { border-top-right-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; } QTabBar QToolButton { background: #008F8F; padding: 1px; border-radius: 6px; margin: 1px; } QTabBar QToolButton:disabled { background: transparent; } /* Sliders (Configurator) */ /* QSlider::groove:horizontal { background: #F7F6CF; height: 1px; border: 1px solid #F7F6CF; } QSlider::handle:horizontal { background: #008F8F; width: 10px; border: 2px solid #008F8F; border-radius: 6px; margin: -10px 0px; } QSlider::handle:horizontal:hover { background: #0CA6FF; border: 2px solid #0CA6FF; } */ /* Tables (Configure Mod Categories) */ QTableView { gridline-color: #DBD399; border: 0px; } QLineEdit[valid-filter=false] { background-color: #661111 !important; }